Starting from May 22, the waitlist function previously trialed on some rail routes will be available to all passenger trains in China.
候补购票功能(waitlist function)是指在通过12306网站和应用程序购票时,如遇所需车次、席别无票(the desired ticket is sold out),可自愿按日期、车次、席别、预付款提交购票需求(submit a ticket order and pay in advance),售票系统自动排队候补(the system will put the order in a waiting list),当对应的车次、席别有退票时,系统自动兑现车票(should there be ticket cancellation that matches your order, the system will automatically confirm it),并将购票结果通知购票人。
据悉,为了保证候补需求的真实性,在申请该项服务前,用户需进行人证一致性核验。每位用户仅可提交1个候补订单(each user can only submit one order in the waiting list),每笔候补订单中乘车人不超过3人。值得注意的是,候补购票预付款按该单不同组合需求中票款的最高额度计算,购票成功后,如有差价,系统会退还(the price difference will be refunded if there is any),如果购票失败,系统会全额退款(full refund)。用户主动终止或系统自动终止候补的,系统自动原额退还预付款。
折扣票 discounted ticket
电子票 e-ticket
车票改签 change a ticket
抢票插件 ticket-buying plug-in
买短乘长 boarding with short-distance tickets but traveling to farther destinations