China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism has called for enhanced safety precautions during the May Day holiday, which is expected to see a tourism boom.
文旅部的安全提示主要包括注意交通安全、防范汛期出游风险、谨慎选择高风险项目、文明有礼出游等方面。文旅部提醒,长途自驾出行前,应仔细检查车况(check car conditions),并检查相关证件、保险是否齐全有效,确保行驶安全(ensure safe driving)。途中避免疲劳驾驶(drowsy driving),杜绝毒驾酒驾(driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol)等违法违规行为。
文旅部提醒,南方部分地区容易出现极端天气(extreme weather),当出现恶劣天气时应避免到山地、峡谷、水边等危险地点游玩(trips to mountainous areas, valleys and areas next to water should be avoided in the case of bad weather)。游客应根据自身实际情况,谨慎参与高风险娱乐项目(high-risk entertainment activities),建议游客根据年龄特点、身体状况选择适宜参与的项目(choose entertainment activities based on their age and health conditions)。
文旅部要求游客树立文明出游意识,杜绝扰乱公共场所秩序(undermine public order)、违反当地风俗习惯(disrespect local customs)、破坏文物古迹(sabotage historical exhibits)、扰乱旅游场所秩序(disrupt the public order at tourist resorts)等行为。
超速 speeding
无证驾驶 drive without a license
闯红灯 run red lights
破坏公共财物 damage public property