The regulation, if enacted, would require that companies charge users a deposit based on their service capability. The total prepaid funds in a user's account on a bike-sharing platform, for example, would be capped at 100 yuan ($15), while the money for other new transportation business would be less than 8,000 yuan.
The draft regulation makes it clear that users' prepaid funds can only be used for a company's main business, and may not be used for investment-such as real estate, equity, securities and bonds-or for debt service.
新规要求,运营企业原则上不收取用户押金,确有必要收取的,应当基于协议(any deposits should be based on agreements),提供运营企业专用存款账户(special deposit account)和用户个人银行结算账户(personal settlement account)两种资金存管方式,供用户选择。用户押金归用户所有,运营企业不得挪用(companies may not misappropriate deposit funds)。
此外,新规还明确提出,运营企业应当建立用户预付资金备付金制度(provisions system for user deposits),备付金不得低于用户预付资金余额的40%。
根据新规,用户申请退还押金(apply for deposit refund)时,存管银行和其他支付服务机构核对相关信息后,应当于当日(至迟次日)基于原路退还原则退还用户。用户原账户发生变化的,运营企业需提供用户身份信息、押金支付信息和退款账户信息,存管银行和其他支付服务机构核对认定后再行退还(refund customers' deposits after verifying the user's information)。