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时间:2019-07-10 13:57:37 编辑:leichenchen



An American ban hits China’s supercomputer industry


It may not knock it out


In 2000 China had two supercomputers ranked among the world’s fastest 500. Ten years later a machine named Tianhe-1A topped the global league table. It was, though, based on Intel chips.


So when in 2015 America barred its giant chipmaker from selling to four Chinese supercomputer labs—fearing that the machines were being used to simulate nuclear blasts—it might have expected China’s progress in the field to slow. Instead, China unveiled another supercomputer, Sunway TaihuLight, that led that ranking in 2016 and 2017—this time powered entirely by home-grown microprocessors. The latest American sanctions will nevertheless bite.


On June 21st America’s Commerce Department blacklisted another five Chinese supercomputing entities on the grounds that they too pose a threat to national security.


The export ban prohibits American firms from selling them chips and “interconnects” that allow chips to talk to each other. An army-led institute that designed chips for the latest world-beating machine is on the list, as is Sugon, which has built a third of China’s 100 fastest ones.


So is Hygon, born of a joint venture in 2016 between Sugon and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), an American semiconductor firm. Intel chips dominate high-powered computing in desktops, servers and supercomputers.

海光也同样是榜上有名,他是一家由中科曙光和美国半导体公司 AMD 于2016年合资成立的公司。英特尔芯片主导了台式机、服务器和超级计算机的高性能运算。

But AMD makes advanced ones compatible with Intel’s technology. The $293m arrangement gave Hygon the ability to make slightly slower near-replicas of AMD’s designs—and China a domestic manufacturer of crucial components.

但 AMD 也具有与英特尔相媲美的技术。这项高达2.93亿美元的协议使得海光也有能力制造出运算速度稍慢于 AMD 芯片的复制品,并使其成为生产关键零部件的国内制造商。

The latest ban chokes off practically all of AMD’s dealings with Hygon. Transfer of intellectual property and technical support are proscribed. The manufacturer of the copycat chips, GlobalFoundries, is American, so it too is banned from working with Hygon.

最新的禁令几乎阻断了 AMD 与海光之间的所有交易。同时也禁止知识产权的转让和技术支持。仿制芯片制造商 GlobalFoundries 是一家美国公司,因而也被禁止与海光合作。

Finding an alternative foundry would require onerous tweaks to the chips’ design. AMD has carefully transferred only as much knowledge as Hygon needs to copy but not reverse-engineer them.

重新寻找一个代工厂需要对芯片的设计进行繁复的调整。AMD 已经小心翼翼地向海光转移了其所需要的技术,海光要做的就是复制,而无需通过逆向工程对其进行研究了。

A blow, for sure—but perhaps not a knockout. Last year new American computers ended China’s dominance; it will be pouring money into reclaiming it.


Jack Dongarra, a supercomputing expert at the University of Tennessee who has scrutinised Sunway’s chip, calls it “very impressive”. Rumours have spread of a big new supercomputer powered by AMD’s licensed chips whirring in a Chinese lab.

田纳西大学的超级计算专家杰克·东加拉对“神威·太湖之光”的芯片进行了仔细的研究,他称其“让人感到惊叹”。有传言称,一台由 AMD 授权芯片驱动的大型新型超级计算机正在中国的一个实验室里轰鸣运转。

In May Mr Trump said he could ease export restrictions that had been placed the previous week on Huawei, a Chinese telecoms giant. Even if he doesn’t, Intel and Micron, another chipmaker, are already circumventing the Huawei ban in ways they claim are legal, according to the New York Times.


FedEx is suing America’s government over the “impossible” job of inspecting parcels to blacklisted Chinese firms. Chipping away at Chinese computing progress is tough.




entity ['ɛntəti] n. 实体;存在;本质

compatible [kəm'pætəbl] adj. 兼容的;能共处的;可并立的

proscribe [pro'skraɪb] vt. 剥夺……的公权;禁止

onerous ['ɑnərəs] adj. 繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;负有法律责任的

knockout ['nɑkaʊt] n. 击倒对手;淘汰赛 adj. 淘汰的;击倒的;使昏倒的;迷人的

reclaim [rɪ'klem] vt. 开拓;回收再利用;改造某人 vi. 抗议,喊叫 n. 改造,感化

scrutinise ['skruːtɪnaɪz] vi. 作仔细检查;细致观察 vt. 细看;核对

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