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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊1月:让你的24年更快乐的几个小方法


时间:2024-01-18 13:43:34 编辑:


Experts say that getting enough sleep is one of the most important things we can do for our mental health. If you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, studies have found that cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or C.B.T.-I., is as effective as using sleep medications in the short term — and more effective in the long term. C.B.T.-I. helps people address anxieties about sleep and find ways to relax. To find a provider, try the Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine directory.

1.insomnia    英/ ɪnˈsɒmniə /美/ ɪnˈsɑːmniə /    n.失眠(症)
2.provider   英/ prəˈvaɪdə(r) /美/ prəˈvaɪdər /  n.供应者;养家者

It’s normal to feel anxious from time to time. In fact, having some anxiety can actually be useful. Experts say an internal alarm system can improve our performance, help us recognize danger and even encourage us to be more conscientious. So we asked Dr. Petros Levounis, the president of the American Psychiatric Association: How much anxiety is too much? “If you start to notice that worry and fear are there constantly, that is a signal that you need some help,” he said. Other signs to look out for include restlessness, a sense of fear or doom, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling and trouble concentrating.

1.from time to time  时不时地;有时候
2.conscientious   英/ ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs /美/ ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs /   adj.认真的,勤勤恳恳的;凭良心的,与良心有关的
3.look out   小心,当心
4.restlessness   英/ ˈrestləsnəs /美/ ˈrestləsnəs /   n.坐立不安;不安定

If you have a tendency to ruminate, there are a few simple ways to curb the habit. The first is to distract yourself: Research shows that diversions can help get your mind off whatever is stressing you out. Try playing a word game or listening to music, paying close attention to the lyrics. Other times, it’s better not to fight the urge — but that doesn’t mean you should let your thoughts spiral out of control. Set a timer for 10 to 30 minutes of dedicated rumination time, and give yourself permission to mentally mull things over. When the timer goes off, it’s time to move on.

1.ruminate   英/ ˈruːmɪneɪt /美/ ˈruːmɪneɪt /   vt.反刍;沉思;反复思考  vi.沉思,反刍
2.curb    英/ kɜːb /美/ kɜːrb /   v.控制,抑制;勒住(马)  n.控制,抑制;<美>路缘,马路牙子;(马的跗关节后部因扭伤韧带引起的)硬瘤
3.diversion  英/ daɪˈvɜːʃ(ə)n /美/ daɪˈvɜːrʒ(ə)n /  n.转向,转移;绕行路,支路;转移注意力的事物,分心的事物;消遣,娱乐
4.get your mind off  让你忘记,不再想着某事或某人
5.spiral out   螺旋式扩散
6.mull over   深思熟虑

When you’re struggling with your mental health, basic tasks like washing dishes or doing laundry can feel impossible. But living amid mess can make you feel even worse. KC Davis, a licensed professional counselor and author of the book “How to Keep House While Drowning,” advises focusing on function over aesthetics — your home doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be livable. An efficient way to keep things from getting out of hand is to practice what she calls “five things tidying.” Tackle the five main categories of clutter — trash, dishes, laundry, things with a place and things without a place — one at a time to help cleaning feel more manageable.

1.counselor   英/ ˈkaʊnsələ(r) /美/ ˈkaʊnsələr /  n.顾问,咨询师;律师,法律顾问;(使馆的)参赞,参事;(夏令营的)辅导员(counsellor 的美式拼写)
2.aesthetic  英/ iːsˈθetɪk /美/ esˈθetɪk /   adj.审美的,美学的;美的,艺术的   n.美感,审美观;美(aesthetics);美术理论
3.get out of hand   失去控制
4.clutter   英/ ˈklʌtə(r) /美/ ˈklʌtər /   n.杂乱的东西;杂乱   v.乱堆,塞满;使(脑子里)塞满(乱七八糟的事)

Gratitude is a positive emotion that can arise when you acknowledge that you have goodness in your life and that other people — or higher powers, if you believe in them — have helped you achieve that goodness. To really reap the benefits of gratitude, experts say, it’s important to express it whenever possible. That might include writing letters of thanks or listing the positive things in your life in a journal. Giving thanks to friends, romantic partners and even co-workers can also offer a relationship boost.

1.reap  英/ riːp /美/ riːp /  v.获得,收获;收割(庄稼等)
2.boost   英/ buːst /美/ buːst /   v.使增长,推动;<美,非正式>偷窃;宣扬,推广  n.推动,促进;广告,宣扬

The cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or C.B.T.-I., helps people address anxieties about sleep and find ways to relax.
结构:The [noun phrase], or [abbreviation/acronym], helps people [verb phrase] [noun phrase] and [verb phrase].
例句:The artificial intelligence, or A.I., helps businesses automate processes and improve efficiency.







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