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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊1月:电动汽车和电池的未来


时间:2024-01-17 16:38:10 编辑:


The age of the electric car is upon us. Earlier this year, the US automobile giant General Motors announced that it aims to stop selling petrol-powered and diesel models by 2035. Audi, based in Germany, plans to stop producing such vehicles by 2033. Many other automotive multinationals have issued similar road maps. Suddenly, major carmakers’ foot-dragging on electrifying their fleets is turning into a rush for the exit.
电动汽车时代即将来临。今年早些时候,美国汽车巨头通用汽车(general motors)宣布,计划在2035年前停止销售汽油和柴油车型。总部设在德国的奥迪公司,计划在2033年前停止生产这种车辆。许多其他跨国汽车公司也发布了类似的路线图。突然之间,主要汽车制造商在车辆电气化方面的拖延变成了匆忙撤离。

The electrification of personal mobility is picking up speed in a way that even its most ardent proponents might not have dreamt of just a few years ago. In many countries, government mandates will accelerate change. But even without new policies or regulations, half of global passenger-vehicle sales in 2035 will be electric, according to the BloombergNEF (BNEF) consultancy in London.
个人交通的电气化正以一种即使是最热心的支持者几年前也无法想象的方式加速发展。在许多国家,政府授权将加速变革。但据伦敦咨询公司 bloombergnef (bnef)称,即使没有新的政策或法规,2035年全球乘用车销量的一半仍将是电动车。

This massive industrial conversion marks a “shift from a fuel-intensive to a material-intensive energy system”, declared the International Energy Agency (IEA) in May1. In the coming decades, hundreds of millions of vehicles will hit the roads, carrying massive batteries inside them (see ‘Going electric’). And each of those batteries will contain tens of kilograms of materials that have yet to be mined.

Anticipating a world dominated by electric vehicles, materials scientists are working on two big challenges. One is how to cut down on the metals in batteries that are scarce, expensive, or problematic because their mining carries harsh environmental and social costs. Another is to improve battery recycling, so that the valuable metals in spent car batteries can be efficiently reused. “Recycling will play a key role in the mix,” says Kwasi Ampofo, a mining engineer who is the lead analyst on metals and mining at BNEF.
预计世界将由电动汽车主导,材料科学家们正致力于两大挑战。一个是如何减少稀缺、昂贵或有问题的电池中的金属,因为它们的开采会带来严酷的环境和社会成本。另一个是改善电池的回收利用,使废旧汽车电池中的有价金属可以有效地再利用。矿业工程师、 bnef 金属和采矿业首席分析师夸西•阿姆波弗(kwasi ampofo)表示: “回收将在混合过程中发挥关键作用。”。

Battery- and carmakers are already spending billions of dollars on reducing the costs of manufacturing and recycling electric-vehicle (EV) batteries — spurred in part by government incentives and the expectation of forthcoming regulations. National research funders have also founded centres to study better ways to make and recycle batteries. Because it is still less expensive, in most instances, to mine metals than to recycle them, a key goal is to develop processes to recover valuable metals cheaply enough to compete with freshly mined ones. “The biggest talker is money,” says Jeffrey Spangenberger, a chemical engineer at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois, who manages a US federally funded lithium-ion battery-recycling initiative, called ReCell.
电池制造商和汽车制造商已经投入数十亿美元,降低电动汽车电池的制造和回收成本——这在一定程度上得益于政府的激励措施和对即将出台的监管规定的预期。国家研究基金会也建立了研究中心,研究制造和回收电池的更好方法。因为在大多数情况下,开采金属仍然比回收金属便宜,一个关键的目标是开发工艺,以便以足够低的成本回收有价值的金属,与新开采的金属竞争。伊利诺伊州莱蒙特市阿贡国家实验室的化学工程师杰弗里•斯潘根伯格(jeffrey spangenberger)表示: “最能说会道的就是钱。”他管理着一个由美国联邦政府资助、名为 recell 的锂离子电池回收项目。







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