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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊12月:和时间赛跑


时间:2023-12-28 13:36:33 编辑:


Time management is the process of consciously planning and controlling time spent on specific tasks to increase efficiency. You may be familiar with setting deadlines, writing to-do lists, and giving yourself small rewards for accomplishing certain activities. Motivating ourselves to do the things we have to do in order to do the things we want to do, is a part of life.

Developing good routines and habits for managing your time starts with knowing what strategies are out there, then testing them in your life. Good time management can lead to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

At the core of time management methods are the basic skills of awareness, arrangement, and adaptation, according to Harvard Business Review. This means being mindful of your time, structuring it, and adjusting it as you go, is the secret to effective time management. Executives now point to behavioral skills as the most important for the modern workforce, with “time management skills and the ability to prioritize” ranking second in IBM’s skills gap survey.

Now that you have some potential time management tips and methods in your toolkit, it’s time to create a strategy. You might experiment with several techniques before establishing the most effective long-term habits and routines for you.

Establish goals and priorities.
Consider your lifestyle, whether you are a student or a working professional (or both), whether you have a family or aspire to become a digital nomad (or both!). Think of your long- and short-term goals for your career and personal development. Make sure the goals are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. What will it take to achieve them? How can you manage your time to maximize your productivity?

Once you have established your goals, prioritize them in order of importance. It may be helpful to use Post-its or pen and paper to better visualize your priorities.

Choose the best method for you.
Using the list of tips above, decide upon a method or two to implement. Based on what has worked for you in the past, you can mix and match different time management skills. If you are unsure of which ones will work for you, pick one at random and give it a try.

Plan and implement.
Apply your chosen method over a period of time. A month is typically enough time to evaluate whether a strategy is working. Over 30 days, monitor your progress. Take notes on how you feel after one or two weeks. Was one method more effective than the other?

Use a planner, Google calendar, or simply pen and paper to set your monthly and weekly goals. For daily tasks, write a to-do list every morning with achievable (Swiss Cheese) goals. Feel free to buffer your days with flexibility and sprinkle in plenty of little rewards.

After one month of your new time management methods, it’s time to reassess. What’s working? What’s not working? Adjust your strategy and plan to be more effective. Continue to practice these habits each month, adapting them as your priorities change. What works for you when you are a student may not be the same as when you start a new job.

Remember, practicing time management is an ongoing process, and life happens (along with the additional stressors and challenges that come with it). It’s okay if you don’t transform into a time management guru overnight. It’s about progress, not perfection.

Learn how to manage your time effectively
Learn more effective time management tips from instructors at top universities with a course like Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity from the University of California Irvine. This course is offered on its own as well as part of the Career Success specialization.







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