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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语双语经济学人:玛雅文明的祭祀之谜


时间:2019-08-15 14:22:58 编辑:leichenchen



The Sacred Cenote , a sink hole in the limestone of the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico, pictured above, looks beautiful. But it holds a dark secret. Between about 600 and 900AD the Mayan inhabitants of the nearby city of Chichén Itzá, believing it to be a gateway to the underworld, filled the pool with sacrificial riches to the gods: gold, jade, incense, pottery—and people.


Those victims, judging by their bones, were often young (half being under 18), and, though more often male than female, were well representative of both sexes. On the assumption that few of those sacrificed were volunteers, their origin has long been a matter of interest to archaeologists.


Some suggest they would have come from afar, perhaps being war captives (as was usually the case with sacrificial victims of the later, Aztec civilisation) or tribute of some sort from conquered lands. Others hypothesise that they were plucked from the local population, perhaps being slaves sold for the purpose by their owners.


To try to shed some light on the matter, Douglas Price of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, looked at 40 human teeth recovered from different people cast into the Sacred Cenote. He and his colleagues have just published their results in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.


The researchers’ interest was in the isotopic ratios, in the teeth under investigation, of two chemical elements: oxygen and strontium. Isotopes of an element are chemically identical, but their different weights mean the physical properties of molecules containing them may differ.


For instance, because 18O is heavier than 16O, water containing it tends to fall as rain sooner as storms move inland from the sea, so it accumulates preferentially in freshwater sources near coastlines. This means people dwelling near coastlines imbibe more 18O in their water than do those living inland. 例如,由于18O比16O重,所以当来自海洋的风暴向陆地移动时,含有18O的水往往能更快的以降雨的形式落下,因此海岸线附近淡水中的18O更多。这就意味着住在海岸线附近的人比住在内陆的人能在水中摄取到更多的18O。

Similarly, different rocks, because of the details of their formation, contain different mixtures of strontium isotopes, and these are reflected in the soil which forms from those rocks, and thus in the plants (including crops) which emerge from that soil.


The upshot is that as children grow, and their teeth grow in them, the enamel of those teeth is built from materials reflecting local isotopic ratios. These ratios are sufficiently well known for different parts of Mexico and its neighbours as to permit Dr Price to work out where the owners of the teeth grew up.


Unfortunately for those hoping for a clear-cut answer to the question of whether people cast into the Sacred Cenote were the spoils of distant wars or locals who had drawn the shortest of short straws, the answer to the question, “Where did they come from?” is, “Anywhere and everywhere”.


Dr Price and his team could discern no pattern whatsoever. Their analysis suggested that half of the 40 were locals, around a quarter had come from somewhat farther afield, and the remainder from places hundreds of kilometres away, in what are now western Honduras and Mexico’s central highlands. Nor was there an association between birthplace and age. Children were neither more nor less likely than adults to have been locals.


A disappointment, then, for those who like their history neat and tidy. How the priests of Chichén Itzá came by victims remains a mystery. All that can be said for sure is that the gods inhabiting the Sacred Cenote were not choosy. Men, women, adults, children, strangers and locals. All seem to have been equally acceptable to sate their lust for blood.




underworld ['ʌndɚ'wɝld] n. 黑社会;地狱;下层社会;尘世

sacrificial [,sækrɪ'fɪʃl] adj. 牺牲的;献祭的

captive ['kæptɪv] adj. 被俘虏的;被迷住的 n. 俘虏;迷恋者

isotopic [,aisəu'tɔpik] adj. 同位素的;同位旋的

enamel [ɪ'næml] n. 搪瓷;珐琅;瓷釉;指甲油 vt. 彩饰;涂以瓷釉







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