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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语经济学人外刊:理财要从娃娃抓起


时间:2019-05-28 15:59:43 编辑:leichenchen

       考研英语阅读理解中的文章,很多来自一些外刊杂志方面的题材。接下来,北京文都考研网为扩宽2020考研学子的知识面,整理了考研英语经济学人外刊:理财要从娃娃抓起 ,供考生参考。


New apps are teaching children how to manage their money


Digital piggy banks help kids budget and save


In 2009 a group of parents in Lymington, an English coastal town, started sharing worries about their children’s money-management skills.


Pocket money was now stashed in a building society rather than a piggy bank; household shopping was done online; the children rarely saw their parents handling cash. They were spending online, too. Money had become intangible. How, then, were children to learn its value?

现在大家都把零花钱存在建房互助协会,而不是存在存钱罐里;家庭购物往往也是采取网购的方式了;孩子们很少能看到父母使用现金了,他们也会在网上购物了。金钱已经变成无形之物了。那么,孩子们该如何了解金钱的价值呢?(注:building society,建房互助协会,一种类似于银行的机构。)

The answer they came up with was GoHenry, an app now available in America as well as Britain. It is designed to help young people learn good financial habits through real-world money management.

家长们最终得出的答案是 GoHenry,一款目前已在美国和英国上线的应用。这款应用旨在通过现实生活中的理财活动来帮助年轻人培育良好的理财习惯。

Parents sign up with their own bank accounts and pay a monthly fee of £2.99 or $3.99 for each child aged six or over. Adults and children download separate versions. At the end of last year 379,000 children had active accounts.


Parents can schedule pocket money and set chores. When those are marked as done, the child is paid the agreed amount. Parents can see what the child has bought and where. And they can choose where the card can be used: in shops, online or at ATMs.


Children get debit cards customised with their name (Henry was the first child to use one). They can put money in savings pots, view their spending and balances, and set savings targets.


“They could decide to save ten dollars for a sibling’s birthday in four weeks’ time, or set a goal at 12 to have $2,000 to buy a car at age 18,” says Dean Brauer, one of GoHenry’s founders. “The app tells them how much to save each week to meet their goal.”

迪恩·布劳尔(GoHenry 的创始人之一)说:“他们可以决定在四周的时间内为兄弟姐妹的生日攒下10美元,或者在12岁时设定一个目标,从而能够在18岁时攒下2000美元买一辆车。这款应用会告诉他们,想要实现目标,每周应该存下多少钱。”

Mr Brauer compares GoHenry to a fitness app, giving children feedback on their financial management and motivating them to spend better and save. It is just one of several money-management apps for parents and children; others include Osper, Nimbl and Pennybox.

布劳尔将 GoHenry 比作一款健身应用,它能够为孩子们提供有关财务管理方面的反馈,并激励他们更好地消费和存钱。它只是多款面向父母和孩子的理财应用中的一个;其他还包括 Osper、Nimbl 和 Pennybox。

All charge subscription fees, since they lack banking licences and cannot make money by lending out deposits. They fill a gap left by banks, which do not serve such young customers or offer accounts that give parents oversight of children’s spending.


A big benefit of such apps is that they inspire family conversations about money. According to research done in 2013 by academics at Cambridge University, more than half of British parents find the subject hard to discuss with their children. And yet most agree that children’s attitudes to money are formed in their early years.


Some GoHenry customers are well-off parents who worry that their children will grow up financially careless and entitled, says Mr Brauer. Others have slender means but regard the subscription as an investment in their child’s future.

布劳尔表示,GoHenry 的一部分客户是较为富裕的父母,他们担心自己的孩子长大后会在财务上粗心大意和自以为是。其他则是一些收入微薄的客户,但他们将此视为对孩子未来的一种投资。

Some say that they have been in debt and want their children to avoid that mistake when they grow up; others that the app is cost-effective because their children learn to budget. Even though young people no longer touch and hold money, they can still be taught to handle it well.




stash [stæʃ] n. 藏匿处;藏匿物 vt. 存放;贮藏 vi. 存放;藏起来

intangible [ɪn'tændʒəbl] adj. 无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的

sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姊妹;民族成员

feedback ['fidbæk] n. 反馈;成果,资料;回复

subscription [səb'skrɪpʃən] n. 捐献;订阅;订金;签署

slender ['slɛndɚ] adj. 细长的;苗条的;微薄的

       以上是北京文都考研网给出的“2020考研英语经济学人外刊:理财要从娃娃抓起 ”,希望对备考2020考研英语的考生有所帮助!祝2020考研顺利!






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