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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语同源外刊:无人驾驶汽车不能完全脱离人类


时间:2019-05-09 14:28:01 编辑:leichenchen



As General Motors Co , Waymo and other companies race to develop fully driverless vehicles, new California state records show these companies are making progress but are still relying on human safety operators to take control of the wheel at times.

通用汽车公司、Waymo 等公司竞相研发完全无人驾驶汽车之际,加州政府的新记录显示,这些企业正取得进展,但有时仍要依赖安全操作人员来控制方向盘。

The California Department of Motor Vehicles on Wednesday released self-reported data from companies with permits to test autonomous vehicles on public roads. The reports offer a glimpse into the progress of developing driverless technology, which could reshape personal transportation by improving road safety and potentially creating massive new businesses.


California has been the main location for such tests, though some companies such as Waymo have expanded trials elsewhere to regulation-friendlier states like Arizona.

加州一直是开展这类测试的主要地点,不过 Waymo 等公司已把测试范围拓展到亚利桑那等监管规则较为友好的州。

California requires companies that are awarded testing permits to disclose certain data, including the frequency of times when its autonomous technology is deactivated because of a failure or because a safety operator took control.


Each company defines a so-called disengagement differently, so it is hard to directly compare them, but the data show how these companies are individually progressing.


Alphabet Inc’s Waymo, which has logged the most test miles on public roads, recorded about 1.2 million miles in the reporting period that ran from December 2017 through last November. That was more than triple the number of miles logged a year ago. Its rate of disengagement improved to 0.09 per 1,000 miles from 0.179 in 2017.

Alphabet Inc 旗下的 Waymo 是在公共道路上测试里程最多的公司,在2017年12月至去年11月的报告期内,该公司汽车自动驾驶的测试里程约为120万英里,是一年前的三倍多。脱离率从2017年的每1,000英里0.179次下降至0.09次。

“A lower rate of disengagements shows that our cars are getting better at recognizing and handling a variety of driving situations,” including rare scenarios, Waymo said in a blog posting. “Disengagements in these cases are actually a good thing because they are the equivalent to discovering and solving an issue with our car’s capability.”

Waymo 在一篇博客文章中表示:“脱离率下降表明,我们的汽车越来越擅于识别和处理各种驾驶情况,其中包括罕见状况。”文章称:“在这些罕见状况下脱离实际上是一件好事,意味着我们的汽车在靠自己的能力发现并解决问题。”

General Motors’ driverless unit Cruise, which focuses its testing in San Francisco, more than tripled the miles it tested to 447,621 last year. Its rate of disengagement improved to 0.19 miles per 1,000 from 0.80 a year ago.

通用汽车旗下无人驾驶子公司 Cruise 主要在旧金山开展测试,去年的测试里程增加两倍多,达到447,621英里。该公司汽车每行驶1,000英里由安全操作员接管0.19次,低于一年前的0.80次。

Both companies are working to develop a robot taxi business. Waymo began a commercial service in December in suburban Phoenix with safety operators still in the vehicles. It hasn’t said when the vehicles will become truly driverless.

这两家公司目前均致力于开发机器人出租车业务。Waymo 去年12月在凤凰城郊区启动了一项此类商业服务,驾驶室内仍配有安全操作人员。该公司尚未就这类车辆何时真正实现无人驾驶做出承诺。







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