考研英语外刊阅读能力的提升,需要日积月累才能看得到效果。接下来,北京文都考研网为帮助2020考研学子,在英语水平上更上一层台阶,特意整理出考研英语外刊阅读精选:心情好坏会影响嗅觉? 供考生参考。
Our sense of smell can have a large impact on how we think and feel. But did you know that mood can affect how we smell?
According to a study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin Madison, feeling anxious can make typically neutral smells seem repugnant.
The study involved a dozen volunteers who rated a panel of neutral smells. Then, while inside an MRI machine, subjects were made to feel anxious with disturbing images of car crashes and grisly war scenes.
They were then once again asked to rank the panels of neutral smells.But now, after having been made anxious by the images, they described some of the smells as negative. So, what's going on?
MRI revealed that during induced anxiety, the smell related circuits of the brain became intertwined with the brain's emotional circuitry.
Normally, those circuits don't interact much, but when the subjects were anxious, the circuits morphed into something like a unified network, essentially rewiring the brain.
And somehow, that rewiring affected how the subjects interacted with the world through smell. So why does this matter? First, because it helps explain how anxiety can feed on itself.
In so far as being anxious makes things smell generally worse, those worse smells may in turn cause greater anxiety, creating an anxiety feedback loop.
But understanding how emotion and smell can intert wine may also lead to ways to use smell as a way to combat anxiety and other mental disorders an intriguing possibility that maybe borne out with more research.
以上是北京文都考研网给出的“2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:心情好坏会影响嗅觉? ”,希望对2020考研者有所帮助!祝2020考研成功!