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时间:2024-01-03 15:40:47 编辑:


For researchers exploring future diets in some low- or middle-income nations, one hurdle is finding out what people are eating in the first place. “It’s literally like a black box to me right now,” says Purnima Menon at the International Food Policy Research Institute in Delhi, who has been studying diets in India. The data on what people are eating are a decade old, she says.
对于在一些低收入或中等收入国家探索未来饮食的研究人员来说,一个障碍是首先要弄清楚人们在吃什么。“现在对我来说简直就像一个黑匣子,”一直在印度研究饮食的德里国际食品政策研究所的 Purnima Menon 说。她说,关于人们吃什么的数据已有十年历史。

Getting that information is crucial, because India ranks 101 out of 116 countries in the Global Hunger Index and has the greatest number of children who are too thin for their height.
获取这些信息至关重要,因为印度在全球饥饿指数的 116 个国家中排名第 101 位,并且拥有与身高相比过瘦的儿童数量最多。

Using what’s available, Abhishek Chaudhary, a food-systems scientist at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, who was part of the EAT–Lancet team, and his colleague Vaibhav Krishna at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich used a computer program and local environmental data on water, emissions, land use and phosphorus and nitrogen use to design diets for all of India’s states. The algorithm suggested diets that would meet nutritional requirements, cut food-related emissions by 35% and wouldn’t stress other environmental resources. But to grow the required amount of food would require 35% more land — which is impractical in the overcrowded nation — or higher yields. And food costs would be 50% higher.
EAT-Lancet 团队的成员、印度理工学院坎普尔的食品系统科学家 Abhishek Chaudhary 和他在苏黎世瑞士联邦理工学院的同事 Vaibhav Krishna 使用可用的计算机程序和本地水、排放、土地使用以及磷和氮使用的环境数据,以设计印度所有邦的饮食。该算法建议的饮食应满足营养需求,将与食物相关的排放量减少 35%,并且不会对其他环境资源造成压力。但要种植所需的食物量,就需要多出 35% 的土地——这在这个人满为患的国家是不切实际的——或更高的产量。食品成本会高出 50%。

Healthy, sustainable diets are expensive elsewhere, too. The dietary diversity advised by EAT–Lancet — nuts, fish, eggs, dairy and more — is impossible to access for millions of people, says Iannotti.In fact, for the average person to eat the diet in 2011 — the most recent data set available on food prices — would have cost a global average of $2.84 per day, about 1.6 times higher on average than the cost of a basic nutritious meal
健康、可持续的饮食在其他地方也很昂贵。Iannotti 说,EAT–Lancet 建议的饮食多样性——坚果、鱼、鸡蛋、奶制品等——对数百万人来说是不可能的。事实上,对于普通人来说,2011 年的饮食——最新的数据集 可用食品价格——全球平均每天的成本为 2.84 美元,比基本营养餐的平均成本高出约 1.6 倍。

There are other impracticalities. Take restrictions on meat, for instance. In places with nutrient deficiencies and where the diet’s prescribed foods are not available, animal-source products are a crucial source of easily bioavailable nutrients in addition to plants, Iannotti says. In many places in low-income nations, farming systems are small-scale and include both crops and domesticated animals, which can be sold in times of family need, says Jimmy Smith, director-general of the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi.
还有其他不切实际的地方。以对肉类的限制为例。Iannotti 说,在营养缺乏和饮食中规定的食物不可用的地方,动物源产品是除植物外易于生物利用的营养素的重要来源。内罗毕国际牲畜研究所所长吉米史密斯说,在低收入国家的许多地方,农业系统规模较小,包括农作物和家畜,可以在家庭需要时出售。

“The farmer in the highlands of Ethiopia doing dairy has three or four animals in his or her backyard, and each of these animals is a member of the family, they have names,” he says.

Menon says that for now, scientists in low- and middle-income regions are more concerned about delivering nutrition than preserving the environment. The FAO has organized a committee to redo the analysis of EAT–Lancet to make it more globally inclusive, says Iannotti, who is part of the committee. The global assessment will be published in 2024. “They don’t feel as if it was entirely balanced or holistic in its review of the evidence,” she says. “Let’s go further and make sure we have evidence from around the world.”
“埃塞俄比亚高地的奶农在他或她的后院养了三四只动物,每只动物都是家庭成员,它们都有名字,”他说。梅农说,就目前而言,中低收入地区的科学家更关心的是提供营养而不是保护环境。粮农组织已组织一个委员会重新分析 EAT-Lancet,使其更具全球包容性,该委员会成员 Iannotti 说。全球评估将于 2024 年发布。“在审查证据时,他们并不觉得它是完全平衡或全面的,”她说。“让我们走得更远,确保我们有来自世界各地的证据。”

The way to find sustainable diets in poor nations is by working closely with communities and farmers, as in Kilifi, scientists say. Clark, having mapped out diet at a global scale using model-based projections, thinks that food-system scientists now need to find the local adjustments and fixes to get people to eat better.

“People working in food sustainability need to go into communities and ask, ‘hey, what’s good for you?’” he says. “And then, given that baseline, how can we start working towards outcomes that those communities are interested in.”







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