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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊5月:美国年轻人都在说伪英音


时间:2023-05-22 19:40:04 编辑:Lcc



Kyra Green lives with anxiety, and when she misplaced her boarding pass at the airport gate just before her flight was due to leave, the 26-year-old’s nerves started acting up. As she looked around for it, the native New Yorker began speaking in a British accent. Americans have long been called out for their phony British accents – think Madonna in her Guy Ritchie era, or the friend who just came home from studying abroad in London. But Gen Z has embraced bad imitations of Cockney slang or a Yorkshire dialect, using obviously fake, theatrical voices to make light of low-grade daily dramas.

26岁的凯拉·格林(Kyra Green)患有焦虑症,就在她乘坐的航班即将起飞前,登机牌在登机口找不到了,她神经紧张起来。就在她四处寻找之时,这个土生土长的纽约人开始用英伦腔说起话来。长期以来,美国人一直被指责说他们的英国口音很假,想一想和盖·里奇在一起时的麦当娜,或者刚从伦敦留学回来的朋友。但Z世代(95后)热衷于拙劣地模仿伦敦俚语或约克郡方言,用明显很假很夸张的风格轻描淡写地讲述低级日常闹剧。

What’s behind the trend? Green, who is 26 and appeared on the US version of Love Island, blames it on her love for the original UK dating show. “The accent really took over when I started watching the show,” she said. “It blew the accent the fuck up, and everyone was obsessed with their cute little sayings, like ‘doing bits’.” (For the uninitiated, that means getting intimate but not having sex.) It’s not just Love Island: “fake British accent” videos have over 188.000 views on TikTok, where young people say they use the voice whenever they feel uncomfortable.

形成这一趋势的原因是什么?26岁的格林参加了美国版《爱情岛》这档节目,她将此归咎于自己对英国原版约会节目的热爱。她说:“英音真正成为日常是在开始看这个节目的时候。”“节目让这种口音被无限放大,每个人都痴迷于他们各种可爱的表达,比如‘doing bits’。”(对于没看过节目的人来说,它的意思是有着亲密关系但不发生进一步行为。)不仅仅是爱情岛:“伪英音”话题的视频在TikTok上的观看量超过18.8万次,年轻人说他们在感到不安时就用这种口音。

Asher Lieberman, a 21-year-old college student and content creator from Miami, said he picked his voice up from watching old X Factor auditions on YouTube. Then there’s H2O: Just Add Water, an Australian teen drama about girls who turn into mermaids whenever they swim or bathe. Old clips of the show – a relic full of mid-aughts cringe – often go viral on TikTok. The actors have Australian accents, but Lieberman said those were “harder to do” than a British voice.

21岁的阿舍·利伯曼(Asher Lieberman)是一名迈阿密的大学生和内容创作者,他说自己是在YouTube上看很早以前《X音素》(X Factor)的海选时学会他这种口音。还有《美人鱼》,这是一部澳大利亚的青少年题材电视剧,讲述的是女孩游泳洗澡就会变成美人鱼的故事。影片中充满了二十一世纪初期尴尬感的老片段经常在TikTok上疯传。演员们都有澳大利亚口音,但利伯曼说,澳大利亚口音比英国口音“更难仿效”。



adopt /əˈdɑːpt/ vt. 收养;采取,采纳,接受;

fake /feɪk/ adj. 伪造的,冒充的;(动作或感情)虚假的,做作的;

accent /ˈæksent/ n. 口音,腔调,土音;

live with 接受;忍受;承认;寄宿在…家;

anxiety /æŋˈzaɪəti/ n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望;焦虑症;

misplace /ˌmɪsˈpleɪs/ vt. 放错地方;忘记把…放在什么地方;错误地信任某人;

airport gate 登机口;

due /duː/ adj. 到期的,预期的;应有的,应得的;应付的,应给的;适当的;

nerves /nɜːvz/ n. [解剖]神经;神经紧张;

act up 运作不正常;出毛病;(孩子)耍脾气,捣蛋;

call out 喊;叫;大声说出;(尤指在紧急情况下)命令…出动,请求…出动;批评,指责;

phony /ˈfoʊni/ adj. <非正式>伪造的,假的;<非正式>虚伪的,做作的;

era /ˈɪrə/ n. 时代,年代,纪元;

Gen Z abbr. Z世代,后浪(Generation Z);







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