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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊5月:拿破仑的物品被拍卖


时间:2023-05-11 16:11:11 编辑:Lcc



French interior designer and art collector Jacques Garcia is a man for whom the word "understated" does not exist. The owner of the lavish Sicilian palazzo Villa Elena that featured in the second season of The White Lotus, who transformed the five-star Hotel Costes in Paris, the Banyan Tree in Doha and the palatial Hotel Mamounia in Marrakech has made opulence his trademark. Now 75 pieces from his exceptional collection – one for every year of his life – will be sold by Sotheby's in Paris to raise funds to secure the future of his home, the historic Château du Champ de Bataille in Normandy.

法国室内设计师和艺术收藏家雅克·加西亚(Jacques Garcia)是一个不存在“低调”这个词的人。这位在《白莲花酒店》(The White Lotus)二季中奢华的西西里埃琳娜别墅(Palazzo Villa Elena)的主人改造了巴黎的五星级酒店科斯特斯(Costes)、多哈的悦榕庄(Banyan Tree)和马拉喀什的富丽堂皇的马穆尼亚酒店(Hotel Mamounia),并将富裕作为自己的标志。现在,巴黎苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby's)将出售他的杰出藏品中的75件——他生命中的每一年都有一件——以筹集资金,确保他的家—诺曼底历史悠久的巴塔耶城堡(Château du Champ de Bataille)的未来。

Most of the items are of royal provenance, including two pairs of armchairs and a sofa thought to have been ordered for Marie-Antoinette's Turkish boudoir at Fontainebleau (each estimated at €400.000-600.000), as well as a fireguard and writing table used by the queen. The sale also features a day bed believed to have been made for the wedding of Napoleon Bonaparte to Empress Marie-Louise in 1810 (estimated €100.000-200.000) and decorated with a medallion profile portrait of the couple.

大部分物品都是皇家物品,包括两对扶手椅和一张沙发,据信是为玛丽·安托瓦内特在枫丹白露的土耳其闺房订购的(每张估计价值40万-60万欧元),以及女王使用的防火板和写字台。此次拍卖还包括一张据信是为1810年拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte)与玛丽·路易丝皇后(Empress Marie-Louise)的婚礼制作的沙发床(估价10万至20万欧元),上面装饰着这对夫妇的纪念章侧面肖像。

A pair of Sèvres vases valued at up to €1.2m, purchased by Alexander Hamilton in St Petersburg where he was serving as British ambassador to Russia, will also go under the hammer along with two cabinets that belonged to King William III and Queen Mary II of England. Garcia, who also redecorated the private rooms at the royal Palais de Versailles and over 30 rooms at the Louvre museum, bought the Champ de Bataille, originally designed by Louis le Vau, the architect of Versailles in the 1600s, 30 years ago in a state of dilapidation.

亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)在圣彼得堡担任英国驻俄罗斯大使时购买的一对塞夫尔(Sèvres)花瓶,价值达120万欧元,也将被拍卖。一起被拍卖的还有属于英国国王威廉三世(King William III)和女王玛丽二世(Queen Mary II)的两个橱柜。加西亚还重新装修了凡尔赛宫(Royal Palais de Versailles)的私人房间和卢浮宫博物馆(Louvre Museum)的30多个房间。30年前,他买下了巴塔耶城堡(Champ de Bataille),该城堡起初是由17世纪凡尔赛宫的建筑师路易斯·勒沃(Louis Le Vau)设计的,在当时已经破败不堪。



hammer/ˈhæmər/ n. 锤子;榔头;

interior/ɪnˈtɪriər/ adj. 内部的;里面的;

understated/ˌʌndərˈsteɪtɪd/ adj. 低调的,朴素的;淡雅的;素雅的;

lavish/ˈlævɪʃ/ adj. 奢华的;

palazzo/pəˈlɑːtsoʊ/ n.(意大利)豪华的宫殿;

palatial/pəˈleɪʃ(ə)l/ adj. 宫殿似的;

opulence/ˈɑːpjələns/ n. 富裕;

trademark/ˈtreɪdmɑːrk/ n. 商标;标志,特点;

piece/piːs/ n. 一件,一台;

exceptional/ɪkˈsepʃən(ə)l/ adj. 卓越的,杰出的;

secure/sɪˈkjʊr/ vt. 确保,保证;

item/ˈaɪtəm/ n. 物品;

provenance/ˈprɑːvənəns/ n. 发源地;起源;出处;







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