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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊5月:英国加冕查理三世为新国王


时间:2023-05-10 16:13:21 编辑:Lcc



On May 6th, in London, a man will be given a hat. He has never seemed that keen on this hat. At the age of 20. King Charles III described the realisation he would be king as dawning upon him “with the most ghastly inexorable sense”. His predecessors were little keener. King Edward VIII described kingship as “an occupation of considerable drudgery”; King George VI awoke on the morning of his coronation with “a sinking feeling”. Britons themselves seem similarly nonplussed. According to YouGov, a pollster, almost half say they are unlikely to watch the coronation, yet everyone has been talking about it for weeks.

5月6日,在伦敦,一个男人将获得一顶帽子。他似乎并没有那么渴望得到这顶帽子。20 岁时,查理三世国王形容自己“以较可怕的无情感觉”意识到自己将成为国王。他的前任国王也不是很热衷。爱德华八世将王权描述为“大量苦差事的职业”。乔治六世国王在加冕礼当天早上醒来时“心情低落”。英国人自己似乎也同样不知所措。根据民意调查机构 YouGov 的说法,几乎一半的人表示他们不太可能观看加冕典礼,尽管每个人都已经谈论了数周。

The coronation, as the royal website explains, is “a solemn religious ceremony”. The reminder is needed, for the list of those participating this weekend includes people with such titles as the Rouge Dragon Pursuivant, the Rouge Croix Pursuivant and the Portcullis Pursuivant. It involves a Garter King of Arms and people with titles so antique that their adjectives appear to be on back-to-front (the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this realm). It involves beadles, heralds, princesses, kings, queens and His Most Godly Beatitude Theophilos III, Patriarch of Jerusalem and All Palestine. There are “Game of Thrones” episodes with more sober cast lists.

正如皇家网站所解释的那样,加冕礼是“一场庄严的宗教仪式”。必要的提醒是需要的,因为参加本周末的人名单包括拥有诸如 Rouge Dragon Pursuivant(佩亨利七世赤龙章纹章官助理)、Rouge Croix Pursuivant(佩圣乔治十字章纹章官助理)和 Portcullis Pursuivant(负责城门吊闸〔Portcullis〕的纹章官助理)等头衔的人。还有 Garter King of Arms(纹章官)和拥有如此古老头衔的人以至于他们的名字修饰看起来是错乱的(这个王国的上议院神职议员和世俗议员)。名单还涉及执事、传令官、公主、国王、王后和东正教大主教Beatitude Theophilos 三世。连《权力的游戏》剧集的演员名单列表看起来都更严肃正经。

The ceremony that will unfold in Westminster Abbey is little more sensible. It includes a Stone of Destiny, a Sword of Spiritual Justice and oil made with olives harvested from the Monastery of Mary Magdalene in Jerusalem. It demands bowing, scraping, chanting and anointing with chrism from a special Coronation Spoon.




crown/kraʊn/ vt. 为…加冕;使…封冠;

keen/kiːn/ adj. 渴望的,热衷的;喜爱的,着迷的;热情的,热心的;

dawn upon 意识到;被理解;顿悟;

ghastly/ˈɡæstli/ adj. 可怕的;惨白的;惊人的;极坏的;

inexorable/ɪnˈeksərəb(ə)l/ adj. <正式>不可阻止的,难以阻挡的;(人)不为恳求所动的,无动于衷的;

predecessor/ˈpredəsesər/ n. 前任,前辈;(被取代的)原有事物,前身;

kingship/ˈkɪŋʃɪp/ n. 王权;王位;

occupation/ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 工作,职业;消遣,业余活动;

considerable/kənˈsɪdərəb(ə)l/ adj. 相当大的,相当重要的;

drudgery/ˈdrʌdʒəri/ n. 苦工,苦差事;

awake/əˈweɪk/ vi.(使)醒来,唤醒;唤起,激发起;意识到(awake to);

sinking/ˈsɪŋkɪŋ/ adj.(情绪突然)颓丧的,抑郁的;下沉的;

nonplussed/ˌnɑːnˈplʌst/ adj. 困惑的;陷于窘境的;不知所措的;

pollster/ˈpoʊlstər/ n. 民意调查人,民意测验机构;

solemn/ˈsɑːləm/ adj. 表情严肃的,庄严的;(承诺、协定等)庄严的,郑重的;(仪式)庄严的,隆重的;







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