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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊4月:欧洲如何努力改善空气质量


时间:2023-04-20 17:23:24 编辑:Lcc



As autumn arrived last year, the residents of Nowy Targ, a market town in southern Poland, were given an unusual tip to keep their homes warm in the midst of soaring energy prices. "One needs to burn almost everything in the furnaces," said Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of the ruling Law and Justice party, "aside from tyres and similarly harmful things, of course." On a recent visit on a crisp spring day, with snow lingering on the ground, the evidence of locals having taken up Mr Kaczynski's advice could be both seen and sniffed.

去年秋天到来时,波兰南部集镇Nowy Targ的居民得到了一份不同寻常的小贴士,以在能源价格飙升的情况下保持家中的温暖。执政党法律与正义党主席雅罗斯瓦夫·卡钦斯基说:“几乎所有的东西都要在炉子里烧掉,当然,除了轮胎和类似有害的东西。”近期,在一个凉爽的春日,我去(访问)了一次,地上还积着雪,当地人接受卡钦斯基建议的迹象随处可见。

Judging from the acrid smoke coming out of some chimneys, a few households may have even skipped the admonition about tyres. As the afternoon progressed and workers returned home to refill home furnaces ahead of chilly evenings, the mountains that skirt the town disappeared behind a dull haze. A bakery by the side of the road to the train station emitted a scent not so much of local delicacies as of combusted leather boots.


Europe prides itself as a green kind of place, the land of 15-minute cities where residents bike from work to yoga classes. But many bits of Europe still stink—literally. Those virtuous cyclists weave their way through streets thronged with diesel engines. Farmers spew ammonia, a pungent gas, into the air. What industry remains is the source of sulphur compounds that harm nature. Perhaps most worryingly, generating energy from fossil fuels to keep homes heated results in invisible clouds of particulate matter which clogs human lungs. Across the EU, over 300.000 people die prematurely from poor air quality every year, according to the EU's environmental arm. That is nearly half the number of excess deaths caused by covid-19 in its first 12 months.




splutter/ˈsplʌtər/ vt. 气急败坏地说;慌张地说;

better/ˈbetər/ vt. 改善;

air quality 空气质量;

market town 集镇;

unusual/ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/ adj. 特别的;不寻常的;

tip/tɪp/ n. 指点;实用的提示;

midst/mɪdst/ n. 中部;中间;

soaring/sɔːrɪŋ/ adj. 激增的;

furnace/ˈfɜːrnɪs/ n. 熔炉;

ruling/ˈruːlɪŋ/ adj. 统治的;支配的;占统治地位的;

aside from 除了…;

tyre/ˈtaɪər/ n. 轮胎;

crisp/krɪsp/ adj. 凉爽的;清新的;干燥寒冷让人舒畅的;

linger/ˈlɪŋɡər/ vi. 继续存留;缓慢消失;

take up advice 接受建议;

sniff/snɪf/ vi. (吸着气)嗅,闻;

acrid/ˈækrɪd/ adj.(气、味)辛辣的,难闻的,刺激的;

chimney/ˈtʃɪmni/ n. 烟囱,烟道;







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