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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊3月:微笑悄悄出现在了T台上


时间:2023-03-16 20:06:34 编辑:Lcc



Fashion loves a pout and generally doesn’t really do smiles. But in the industry of late, corners of mouths have been sneaking upwards. At the recent Emporio Armani show in Milan last month, smiling models emerged on to the catwalk under a picture of model Noemi Ditzler flashing a wide grin. The Beckhams, headed up by renowned smiling refusenik Victoria, have been out on smiley form at the shows. Even Anna Wintour, who is famous for her bob, her sunglasses and her straight face, has been cracking a shy smile on the front row.

时尚界喜欢撅嘴,而且一般来说不苟言笑。但是在近期的时尚界中,嘴角已经偷偷地微微上扬。在上个月米兰的安普里奥·阿玛尼(Emporio Armani)秀场上,模特们面带微笑地走上T台,照片上的模特诺埃米·迪茨勒(Noemi Ditzler)闪现出一个大大的笑容。以拒绝微笑著称的维多利亚为首的贝克汉姆一家,在秀场上一直微笑示人。即使是以波波头、墨镜和板着脸而闻名的安娜·温图尔(Anna Wintour)也在前排绽放出羞涩的笑容。

Smiles have been appearing on magazine covers, too. Cindy Crawford is pictured on the March issue of Vogue Arabia showing off some enviably straight pearly whites, and an innocent grin graced the cover of British Vogue this month courtesy of Rihanna’s baby. It is a marked contrast from the icy expressions that the industry is known for. Fashion’s lack of smiling is so ingrained that it is something of an in-joke. Victoria Beckham once wore a T-shirt that stated: “Fashion stole my smile.”

笑容也同时出现在杂志封面上。辛迪·克劳福德(Cindy Crawford)在阿拉伯版《Vogue》3月刊上展示了令人羡慕的整齐的如珍珠一般的白牙,而本月英国版《Vogue》的封面上,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)的孩子露出了天真的笑容。这与该行业众所周知的冰冷表情形成了鲜明的对比。时尚界缺乏笑容是如此根深蒂固,以至于成为一个笑话。维多利亚·贝克汉姆曾经穿了一件T恤,上面写着“时尚界偷走了我的微笑”。

Scientists at the University of Toronto reported in a study published this month that smiling could help you get hired. It follows other studies lauding the importance of smiling, from the political – one Japanese study from 2019 found that political candidates who smile more get more votes – to the psychological: last year, scientists finally seemed to agree, after decades of debate, that just the act of arranging one’s features into a smile can make you feel happier.




pout/paʊt/ n. 撅嘴;生气;闷闷不乐;

frown/fraʊn/ n. 皱眉;

sneak/sniːk/ vi. 偷偷地走,潜行;偷带,私运;<非正式>偷走(不重要的或小的东西);偷偷地做(或获得);

catwalk/ˈkætwɔːk/ n. 猫步;(时装表演时供模特儿用的)狭长表演台,T形台;

of late adv. 近来;

flash/flæʃ/ vt.(快速)出示,显示;飞驰,掠过;闪现;迅速播出,传送(信息);突然显露(强烈情感);

grin/ɡrɪn/ n. 露齿的笑;

head up 领导;

renowned/rɪˈnaʊnd/ adj. 著名的;

refusenik/rɪˈfjuːznɪk/ n. 拒绝服从指令(或法规)的人;反抗者;抗议者;

bob/bɑːb/ n. 齐短发(发式);

crack/kræk/ vt. 破裂,裂开;(嗓音)变嘶哑;说(笑话),开(玩笑);

cover/ˈkʌvər/ n. 覆盖物,盖子,罩子;封面,封底;

enviably/ˈenviəbli/ adv. 令人羡慕地;

grace/ɡreɪs/ vt. 为增色,装饰;使增光,使荣耀;






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