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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊3月:每天少睡一两小时算熬夜?


时间:2023-03-16 19:57:10 编辑:Lcc



A lab-based sleep study found that people who were sleeping fewer than six hours a night for two weeks – and who thought they were doing just fine – functioned as badly on cognitive and reflex tests as people who were deprived of any sleep for two full nights.


That’s because the brain needs uninterrupted sleep cycles to absorb fresh skills, form key memories, and repair the body from the day’s wear and tear. During sleep, your body is literally repairing and restoring itself on a cellular level.


A chronic lack of sleep therefore impacts your ability to pay attention, learn new things, be creative, solve problems and make decisions. Even skipping sleep for just one night disrupts functioning. Mounting evidence shows that sleep influences the long-term risks of memory issues, cognitive decline and dementia.


A research suggests that recovery from sleep deprivation (many days of it, in particular) may not be so easy. The effects of sleep deprivation on the brain’s attention and cognitive processing abilities may linger as long as a week after we’ve returned to a regular sleep routine, warns a study.


Want to live longer? Then prioritize sleep in your life: Following five good sleep habits added nearly five years to a man’s life expectancy and almost 2.5 years to a woman’s life, a new study found.

想活得更久?你需要保障你的睡眠:一项新的研究发现,遵循5个良好的睡眠习惯可以使男性的预期寿命增加近5年,女性的预期寿命增加近2.5年 。

Falling asleep easily, staying asleep, getting seven to eight hours of zzz’s, waking up rested and foregoing sleep meds — People were scored on how many of the five habits they had.


Compared to individuals who had zero to one favorable sleep factors, those who had all five were 30% less likely to die for any reason, 21% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease, 19% less likely to die from cancer, and 40% less likely to die of causes other than heart disease or cancer.


Make sure you get a full seven to eight hours of sleep each night. That’s tough for many people. But you have to do more than just lay in bed longer — you also need have to have an uninterrupted, restful sleep more often than not.


That means you don’t wake up during the night or have trouble falling asleep more than two times a week. You also have to feel well rested at least five days a week when you wake up. And finally, you can’t be using sleep medications to achieve your slumber.


It’s important to go to bed at the same time on most nights and get up at the same time most mornings — even on weekends and holidays. Make sure your sleeping environment is optimal — cooler and darker is better — and block noise.


Avoid booze before bed — it may seem like you’re falling asleep more easily, but when your liver finishes metabolizing the alcohol at 3 am, your body will wake up, experts say. Set up a sleep routine, with no blue lights or distractions at least an hour before bedtime. Try meditation, yoga, tai chi, warm baths — anything that relaxes you is great.







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