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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:人民币破“七”(上)


时间:2019-08-30 15:26:39 编辑:leichenchen



A principle followed by traders who speculate on short-term movements in market prices is cut your losses early".


This doctrine finds expression in the stop-loss — an order to sell a security, such as a company share, automatically when it hits a predetermined price.

这一原则体现在止损单.上,即在证券( 例如公司股票)价格达到预先设定的价位时自动卖出。

People being people, stop-loss orders tend to cluster at salient levels, such as whole or round numbers. They might instruct a broker to sell the pound at$1.20, say, or sell Apple at $200.


The round-number fetish is a strange one. But when a situation is uncertain (and financial markets are always uncertain) arbitrary numbers or thresholds are often charged with great meaning.

执迷于取整是个怪现象。但当情况不明朗时( 而金融市场总是充满变数),带有随意性的数字或关口位往往就会被赋予重大意义。

And few have had the signifcance of seven yuan per dollar.So when the yuan broke through seven on August 5th, it prompted a violent sell-off in stocks and a rally in bonds.


That was followed by a formal charge by the US Treasury that China was manipulating its currency. On the face of it, that looks like an overreaction. If things were fine when the yuan was at 6.99, why did all hellbreak loose when it reached 7.01?

之后美国财政部正式指控中国操纵汇率。 表面看来,这似乎是反应过度。如果人民币汇率在6.99时还风平浪静,为何到了7.01就天下大乱了?

Odder still is the idea that a currency that has only fairly limited use outside China is suddenly a prime mover in global capital markets. Yet China's heft in the world economy has made it so.


The yuan-dollar exchange rate is now the world's most watched asset price. And seven" mattered simply because people had come to believe that it did.


To understand why, go back four years. Until August 2015 the yuan had been closely tied to the dollar. Since then its external price has been set by officials each day, ostensibly by reference to a basket of currencies.The idea is that the yuan's value should somewhat reflect market forces.


The outcome is that the yuan has moved in a limited range against the dollar, capped at seven. Were the yuan to surge, it would hurt China's exports; were it to plummet, the dollar debts of Chinese firms would loom larger. A large fall would intensify an ever-present fear: devaluation and capital flight.

其结果是人民币兑美元汇率一直在一定范围内浮动,上限为七。人民币如果大幅升值,则中国的出口受损; 如果暴跌,则中国企业的美元债务会加重。汇率大幅下跌将加剧一直存在的恐慌:货币贬值和资本外逃。

The yuan is still a long way from being a free-floating currency. It is further away still from being a global one to rival the dollar. It is not a straight forward business to buy and sell yuan.


Traders joke that it is less liquid than the shares of Alibaba,a giant Chinese e-commerce frm,which is listed in New York. Yet despite the constraints, the waxing and waning of the yuan's value has had a growing influence on the foreign-exchange market and on asset prices more generally.


This is in large part because the currencies of economies that do a lot of trade with China have tended to move in tandem with the yuan. Its clout owes much to China's weight in the global economy, but also to its gravity in export markets.







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