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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:抛掉硬币


时间:2019-08-20 13:56:34 编辑:leichenchen



On July 27th, outside Brooklyn's hipper-than-thou Smorgasburg street-food market, a dozen hungry visitors stand idle amid the barbecue fumes.

上月27日,在纽约布鲁克林时尚的斯摩格斯堡( Smorgasburg )小吃集市外,十几个饥肠辘辘的游客在烧烤的烟雾中百无聊赖地排着队。

Rather than queuing for food, they are waiting at a cash machine. Yet inside the market, vendors are trying to wean their customers off cash. Gourmets who use Apple Pay, a mobile-payment service, receive hefty discounts on their purchases.

他们不是在等着买吃的,而是等着到取款机上取钱。而在集市里,商贩们正试图让顾客不再依赖现金。吃货们在购物时如果使用移动支付服务Apple Pay,可以享受很大的优惠。

Apple pays us the difference," one trader explains. Most transactions around the world are still conducted in cash. However,its share is falling rapidly, from 89% in 2013 to 77% today.


Despite the attention paid to mobile banking in emerging markets, it is rich countries,with high financial inclusion and small informal economies, that have led the trend.


Within the rich world, more-digitised societies tend to make fewer cash payments. In Nordic countries like Norway and Denmark, where 97% of people use the internet, around four out of five transactions were already cashless by 2016, according to a recent reviewchaired by Huw van Steenis of the Bank of England .

在富裕世界中,数字化程度更高的社会往往更少使用现金支付。英国央行的休.范斯滕尼斯,(HuwvanSteenis)近期主导撰写的一项报告显示, 在互联网普及率达97%的挪威、丹麦等北欧国家,在2016年约80%的交易已经是无现金交易。

In contrast, internet penetration in Italy is just 61%, and 85% of transactions there were still handled in cash in 2016. Beyond this broad pattern, decisions by both individual firms and governments have large effects. At the company level, installing in frastructure for contactless payments bears fast fruit.


AT Kearney,a consultancy, finds that in rich countries the number of transactions per card has risen by 20-30% within three years of contactless technology becoming widespread.

咨询公司科尔尼: ( AT Kearney) 发现,在非接触式技术普及的三年内,富裕国家每张银行卡的交易次数增加了20%到30%。

Banks can accelerate the process by building fast, low-cost systems that enable direct transfers between accounts,such as iDEAL in the Netherlands or Swish in Sweden.


America has ditched ban, knotes faster than its modest 75% internet-penetration rate would suggest because it is the domestic market of many large firms promoting digitisation, such as card networks (Visa, MasterCard), tech giants (Apple,Google) and payment apps (PayPal,Venmo).


Public policy also makes a difference.Some cities, such as London and Am-sterdam, have banned on-board cash payments on public buses.


Estonia-the birthplace of Skype, an internet-telephony app-has been a leaderin digitising public services, such as filing taxes and voting. Its residents are comfortable using new technology and sharing data and often snub cash.

互联网通讯应用Skype的诞生地爱沙尼亚是公共服务数字化. (如报税和投票等)方面的先驱。该国居民乐于使用新技术和共享数据,通常都不爱用现金。

Japan, in contrast, uses more cash than its internet usage would indicate.Historically, it had a sleepy credit-card monopoly entrenched by regulation,which discouraged foreign firms from investing.


So far, cash has proved stubbornly diffcult to stamp out completely.Even in Sweden, a front-runner, onein four transactions involves it. But a tipping-point may loom.


Handling cash is expensive. Studies estimateits overall cost to society at 0.5% of GDP. As more payments become digital, this burden will fall on ever fewer stores, shoppers and banks.If cash-withdrawal fees rise to $1o atime, even technophobes and older shoppers may start paying for those truffle fries with their phones







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