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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语同源外刊8月:现代艺术危害西方社会


时间:2019-08-07 15:20:40 编辑:leichenchen



No sphere of high culture is implicated in the fall of the affluent society in the same way art is. The resistance to melancholy, the flight from reality, enabled art in our time to promote the fantasy of an unlimited market. Some have called the system that has now fallen “offshore capitalism”; perhaps another description is “post-modern capitalism”. In post-modern capitalism, secondary markets created a counter-reality that was unhindered by production. The economy was run like a theme park. It's obvious how deeply involved in that daydream was the art of the last 20 years, which so joyfully rejected anything that might tie it to the slow, patient, tedious stuff of real creativity.


Drama, the novel, even cinema have all kept a safer distance from the booming monster of modern capitalism than artists did. Why? What happened? How did art become the mirror of fraud? It is not a story that starts with Damien Hirst's diamond skull (the bone structure that form the head) but one that goes back to the very origins of the consumer society.


After the Second World War artists were steeped in history and introspection. Art has never been more serious in its view of life than it was in the era of Mark Rothko and Francis Bacon. But even as modern painting reached such heights and depths, western society was going through an epochal transformation. The power of the capitalist economies in the postwar era was unprecedented in world history. An entirely new lifestyle, that of “consumerism”, was born.


Consumerism instantly inspired artists. Pop art in America and Britain took the surfaces of objects, the instant appearances of the new bright world, as its subject matter.Everywhere, emotional depth in art was removed. Abstract Expressionism had to die. Art could teach people to look at the world in a new way:to embrace the cool.Pop art taught everyone to enjoy money and the mass media and 1980s post-modernism taught the same lesson again.


These emotional styles have long since been so popularized that even intelligent people accept that reality television is a form of culture and celebrities fit containers for our transient floods of feeling. All the shallowness of modern mass culture began in avant-garde art 40 years ago. We're Warhol's ugly brood. Art has even fed the unsustainable appetites that are destroying the planet by constantly telling everyone cities are better than the countryside, culture more real than nature.




1.affluent [ˈæfluənt] a. 富裕的,富有的

2.fantasy [ˈfæntəsi] n. 幻想

3.offshore [ˌɒfˈʃɔ:(r)] a. 设在海外的,投放国外的

4.fraud [frɔ:d] n. 欺诈;欺骗

5.epochal ['epəkəl] a. 划时代的

6.unprecedented [ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd] a. 空前的,史无前例的

7.celebrity [səˈlebrəti] n. 名人

8.transient [ˈtrænziənt] a. 短暂的

9.screw [skru:] v. 把……揉成一团

10.be implicated in sth 与某罪行有牵连,对某坏事有责任

11.be steeped in sth 沉浸在……中;充满……

12.lead the way 领先;示范

13.melancholy [ˈmelənkəli] n. 忧郁,悲伤

14.introspection [ˌɪntrəˈspekʃn] n. 内省,反省

15.avant-garde [ˌævɒ̃'ɡɑ:d] n. 前卫派

16.brood [bru:d] n. 一群人






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