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时间:2019-07-26 13:58:39 编辑:leichenchen



Amazon’s Price To Retool Staff Is $700 Million.


As automation technology has leapt ahead,workers increasingly worry about losing their jobs to robots and algorithms. Economists dismiss those concerns, by and large,arguing that workers can grab higher-skilled jobs with better wages.


Amazon may soon find out who is right.


The e-commerce giant said Thursday that it planned to spend $700 million to retrain about a third of its American workers to do more high-tech tasks, an acknowledgment that advances in technology are remaking jobs in nearly every industry —and that workers will need to adapt or risk being left behind.

这家电商巨头周四表示,他们计划斥资7亿美元, 对亚马逊大约三分之一的美国员工进行再培训,让他们能够在未来从事技术含量更高的工作,这一举措无异于承认技术进步正在改变各行各业的工作岗位—— 进而就等于承认工人们必须适应这种变化,否则就可能被淘汰。

Amazon said the program amounted to one of the world’s largest employee-retraining efforts. It will apply across the company, from corporate employees to warehouse workers, retraining about 100,000 by 2025.


Amazon has about 300,000 employees in the United States. The investment is a large-scale experiment in whether companies can remake their existing work forces to fit a fast-changing technological world.

而亚马逊在美国的员工总数在30万左右。亚马逊的此次投资堪称针对公司能否通过重组现有劳动力 适应技术快速变革的当今世界这一问题所作的一项大规模试验。

While government programs have tried to turn factory workers and coal miners into computercoders and data scientists, few of those efforts have succeeded.

此前政府也推出过类似项目,意图把工厂工人和煤矿工人变成程序员和数据科学家, 但鲜有成功者。

Corporate attempts have been limited. But with unemployment low and workers scarce, companies like Amazon feel pressure to look internally to fill their labor needs.

企业界在这方面的尝试也十分有限。但由于失业率低,加上工人稀缺, 企业如亚马逊之流已经感觉到,要满足自己的劳动力需求,就要将目光转向企业内部。

Their efforts could help answer a more fundamental question: Will automation be a solution for the great challenges of the 21st-century economy — low wages, rising inequality and anemic overall growth — or make those problems worse?

他们的这一尝试或许能够帮助我们回答一个更基本的问题:自动化是会解决低工资、贫富差距日益扩大和整体增长乏力等 21世纪经济面临的巨大挑战,还是会让这些问题进一步恶化?

Susan Lund, an economist at the McKinsey Global Institute, the research arm of the consultingfirm McKinsey & Company, said "The scale and pace of the changes in the work force are unprecedented. ““And they can’t hire off the street everyone they need. They have no choice but to retrain their own workers."

麦肯锡咨询公司的研究部门——麦肯锡全球研究所的经济学家苏珊·隆德评论道: 劳动力市场的变化,无论是规模还是速度,都是前所未有的.他们没有办法在街头雇来所有他们需要的员工,没办法,他们只能对自己的员工进行再培训。

” Amazon already faces fierce criticism from politicians on the right and left,including President Trump and Democratic presidential candidates like Senator Elizabeth Warrenof Massachusetts.

亚马逊已经陷入了左右两派政客,包括特朗普总统 和马萨诸塞州参议员伊丽莎白·沃伦等民主党总统候选人的激烈批评声中。

They have held up the company as a symbol of tech industry excess, saying Amazon avoids paying taxes, devalues workers and squashes smaller businesses. And the fear that robots are taking jobs, and that automation will lead to mass unemployment, has grabbed the popular imagination.


Magazine covers warn of a robot apocalypse. Andrew Yang, a former tech entrepreneur, is running for president partly on a platform of offering a universal income to offset jobs lost to automation.The McKinsey Global Institute predicts that up to one-third of the American work force will have to switch to new occupations by 2030.

杂志封面警告称,机器人末日即将到来。前科技企业家杨念祖也将提供全民(基本)收入, 弥补自动化造成的失业问题纳入了自己的总统竞选纲领。据麦肯锡全球研究所估计,到2030年,三分之一的美国人 都不得不另谋职业。

The prevailing view among economists and technologists is that for the next few years, digital technology, from clever software to warehouse robots, will mainly change jobs rather than destroy them.


Tasks become automated, so people spend less time on routine work. So far, there is little evidence of widespread displacement. Amazon and other companies have hired hundreds of thousands of workers for their warehouses.


Manufacturers have added jobs after decades of cuts.


The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low, and companies are digging deep into the labormarket to find workers —easing education requirements, waiving drug tests and hiring people with criminal records.

失业率也已经跌到了50年来的最低水平,企业为了雇佣到员工不得不深入劳动力市场挖掘—— 他们不仅放宽了教育要求,免除了毒品测试,还会雇佣有过犯罪记录的人。

Many economists fret that there has not been enough automation. Productivity — the amount of value that employees create, on average, in an hour of work —has been rising slowly. That has helped drag down both economic growth and wages. When workers aren’t more productive, it is harder for companies to pay them more.


Amazon’s announcement on Thursday could be a sign that the strong labor market is finally pushing companies to make investments in both workers and technology to increase productivity. Big companies, including Walmart and AT&T, have announced their own trainingprogram(s) in recent years.

亚马逊周四的声明或许暗示了强劲的劳动力市场 终于推动企业人力投资和技术投资两手抓,藉此企业生产率。近年来,沃尔玛和AT&T等大企业纷纷宣布了自己的培训计划。

Companies are also raising wages — last year, Amazon committed to paying a minimum wageof $15 per hour —giving them more of an incentive to ensure that those workers are productive.

各大企业还纷纷上涨了员工的工资——去年,亚马逊就承诺将最低时薪标准到15美元—— 这样一来,他们就更有动力确保这些员工输出较高的工作效率。

J. W. Mason, a fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, a progressive think tank, said "A tight labor market really enables workers to be able to demand more, “When they have to pay higher wages, when they have to struggle to find workers, then they take the steps they need to make sure those workers are worth the money.”

进步智库罗斯福研究所的J·W·梅森说道:劳动力市场紧俏确实有助于工人们自己的身价, 企业不得不支付更高的工资,不得不努力寻找员工的时候,他们就会采取措施,确保那些员工的工作成果与那些工资相匹配。

Ardine Williams, Amazon’s vice president of people operations, said the company had more than 20,000 open positions in the United States.

亚马逊人力运营副总裁阿迪娜·威廉姆斯称, 该公司在美国有超过2万个空缺职位。

In November, Amazon selected Northern Virginia as the site of a second headquarters, after company executives said they needed to look beyond Seattle, its longtime home, to fill itsneed for talent.








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