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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:威慑之争


时间:2019-07-25 14:34:20 编辑:leichenchen



President Trump and Kim Jong Un’s courtship has been nothing if not fickle.


And so as the summit over North Korea’s nuclear weapons veers from on-again to off-again, the world should consider the thinking of three distinguished U.S. military officers —— two of whom just took pivotal posts in these turbulent times.


I know each of them very well from our decades of service and my time in the Pacific Fleet andas NATO Supreme Commander: General James Mattis, the Secretary of Defense;


Admiral Harry Harris, who was officially nominated for U.S. ambassador to South Korea the daybefore Trump withdrew from the summit with Kim;and Admiral Phil Davidson, Harris’ new successor as commander of the vast U.S. Pacific Command.



Together, they own the problem of determining how to return the U.S. to full-bore deterrence—and giving the President new options for military strikes if the negotiations fail.

他们三人共同承担着决定如何让美国恢复全方位威慑力的责任—— 还有谈判失败后为总统提供军事打击新选项的责任。

What will their counsel be to the mercurial President?


Let’s start with Mattis.


The decision about what actions the U.S. should take will likely play out in a three-wayconversation among him, National Security Adviser John Bolton and the President.


Mattis is a thoughtful strategist with a deep sense of history—essentially the opposite ofTrump.


The President will continue to largely shoot from the hip: he’ll ignore both the briefings and intelligence presented to him, and will remain inclined toswing for the fences, if not in a summit, then in some kind of preemptive strike.

总统很大程度上可能都会选择继续不假思索鲁莽行事:无论是递交给他的简报还是情报他都将选择视而不见,并一如既往地倾向于孤注一掷, 届时如果不是在峰会上,那就是某个先发制人的场合。

Mattis will face the challenge of counseling patience, while offering options for sanctions(again); cyber, intelligence and missile defense; perhaps a naval blockade; and even both limited and massive strikes.


Harris, a Japanese American, will be parachuting into high drama.


South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who had invested excessively in relationship-building with Kim,will be anxious to heal the wounds inflicted by Trump’s calling off the talks.

为与金正恩修好不计代价的韩国总统文在寅 则会迫不及待地想愈合特朗普叫停会谈造成的创伤。

Harris understands why.


He knows the Korean War plans better than anyone and grasps exactly how devastating a waron the Korean Peninsula would be. He and his wife Bruni will also be located at ground zero.


The newest member of the senior decision-making group is Admiral Phil Davidson, who is responsible for the entire military structure inthe Pacific and a headquarters in Pearl Harbor.

最晚加入该高级决策小组的是海军上将菲尔·戴维森, 他负责美国在整个太平洋的军事架构及珍珠港的一个海军总部。

He arrives from a strictly Navy job in command of the overall U.S. fleet. However, he is a creative thinker, with deep intellectual capability.


He was hand-selected when he was a one-star to build a new diplomatic operational structure for Afghanistan and Pakistan— an unusual assignment for a Navy admiral, and one so complex, it would have led many toquit.

当他还是一星将军时,就被总统亲自挑选去为阿富汗和巴基斯坦建设新型外交组织结构—— 这一任务很少交由海军上将,因为任务过于复杂,即便交给他们,很多人也都会半途而废。

Davidson is close to Harris.


Both admirals will be very skeptical of jumping into a war with North Korea, or even a limited strike (the so-called bloody-nose option).

两位海军上将都将对与朝鲜开战, 甚至是对朝鲜进行有限打击(所谓的“流鼻血”作战)持怀疑态度。

They will support Mattis’ caution.


While each of these senior leaders will be part of the ultimate conversation in the Situation Room, the command relationships are complicated.

尽管三位高级领导都将参与战情室的终极对话, 但三人的指挥关系错综复杂。

Harris technically reports directly to the President, but in reality communicates through Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (another key player, who will likely take a moderate position).

严格来讲,哈里斯应直接听命于总统, 实际上却要通过国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(另一位关键人物,这位届时可能采取温和立场)与总统沟通。

Davidson technically reports directly to the Secretary of Defense, but in reality coordinates and communicates largely through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.In the end, though, all of the caution from the military will go through Bolton, who reportsonly to the President.

戴维森应直接听命于国防部长, 实际主要跟参谋长联席会议主席协调对接。不过,军方所有的谨慎之举最终都要过博尔顿这关,而博尔顿只听命于总统。

This will create tension.


It is Bolton’s job to present these views to Trump with honesty. But it is Bolton’s nature to inject his strong and decisive personality into the debate, and he is unlikely to come down on the side of the angels in finding a diplomatic solution.

因为诚实地向特朗普转述三人的观点是博尔顿的本职工作.但从博尔顿的秉性来看,他会做出与他坚强果断的个性一致的反应, 不太可能与三位天使站到一边,寻求外交途径解决问题。

Everything we know about Bolton would tell us that he will pursue the hard-power answer. He lives in a zero-sum world, in which danger lurks in every dimension; this causes him to overcompensate on the side of military force. (There are times when that makes sense. This is not one.)


Because of this organizational structure, paired with this personal tendency, the chance of combat ultimately rises—despite these officers’ likely counsel against it.


Hopefully, America can find its way toward a diplomatic course, nonetheless. But these officers will need to help develop a nuanced negotiating stance in order to land this crisis without a fight.








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