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首页 考试资讯考研专硕 2020考研MTI双语阅读:欧洲因一份全球移民协议而内乱


时间:2019-08-23 15:53:09 编辑:leichenchen



IT WAS LIKE watching paint dry, or other people’s children play baseball. Last month Gert Raudsep, an Estonian actor, spent two hours on prime-time television reading out the text of a UN migration agreement. Estonia’s government was tottering over whether to pull out of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, to give it its full name. So Mr Raudsep was invited to present the source of the discord to worried viewers. Thoughts of weary migrants from Africa and Latin America kept him going, he said. “But my eyes got a bit tired.”


Mr Raudsep’s recital made for dull viewing because the compact is a dull document. Its 23 “objectives” are peppered with vague declarations, platitudes and split differences. Partly in the spirit of other global agreements like the Paris climate deal, it encourages states to co-operate on tricky cross-border matters without forcing them to do anything. It urges governments to treat migrants properly, but also to work together on sending them home when necessary. At best it helps build the trust between “sending” and “receiving” countries that is the foundation of any meaningful international migration policy.Raudsep的诵读让人看得很无聊,因为协约内容无聊。它的23个“目标”夹杂着含糊的声明、陈词滥调和分歧。一定程度上与巴黎气候协议等全球性协议的精神,它鼓励各国在棘手的跨境问题上进行合作,却不强迫采取任何行动。它敦促各国政府正确对待移民,但也要共同努力,在必要时将他们遣送回国。充其量,这份协议能有助于在“派遣国”和“接收国”之间建立信任,而这正所有意义重大的国际移民政策的基础。

None of this has prevented European governments from melting down over it. In the end Estonia resolved its row; it will join more than 180 other countries in Marrakesh on December 10th-11th to adopt the compact. But so far at least ten others, including seven from Europe, have followed the lead of Donald Trump and pulled out of a deal that they helped negotiate. The agreement is agitating parliaments, sparking protests and splintering coalitions; Belgium’s is on the verge of collapse. More withdrawals may follow.所有这些都没有阻止欧洲各国政府在移民问题上崩溃。爱沙尼亚最终解决了它的争端,并将于12月10日至11日在马拉喀什与其他180多个国家一道通过这份协约。不过,到目前为止,至少有10个国家,包括7个欧洲国家,以唐纳德·特朗普为首,退出了他们曾推动谈判的协议。该协议激怒了各国议会,引发抗议和分裂政治联盟; 比利时正处于崩溃的边缘。后续可能会有更多的国家退出。

Why the fuss? The text explicitly states that governments retain the sovereign right to make immigration policy. But critics say that cannot be trusted. Although the compact is not legally binding, they argue it is “soft law” that might one day be used to press governments into hard commitments, such as acknowledging a “human right” to migration or expanding the grounds for asylum.为什么麻烦?案文明确指出,各国政府保留制定移民政策的主权。但批评人士表示,这是不可信任的。尽管该协议没有法律约束力,但他们辩称,这是一部“软法”,有朝一日可能会被用来迫使各国政府做出硬性承诺,例如承认移民的“人权”,或扩大庇护的范围。

This is, largely, codswallop. The compact is hardly perfect; the drafters should have refrained from urging governments to “educate” journalists on migration, for example, or to hold “culinary festivals” to celebrate multiculturalism. Yet until cynical politicians started paying attention, the main charge the compact faced was toothlessness. Most of the political arguments against it emerged after governments had already approved the draft in July.很大程度上,这是无稽之谈。这份协约并不完美;例如,起草者本应避免敦促政府在移民问题上“教育”新闻人员,或举办“烹饪节”来庆祝多元文化主义。然而,在俗套的政客们开始关注之前,该协约面临的主要指责是空中楼阁。大多数反对该协约草案的政治观点是在各国政府7月份批准该草案之后提出的。

That suggests other forces are at work. In Slovakia, the compact stirred passions only after the speaker of parliament, embroiled in a plagiarism scandal, sought a way to change the subject. The government has since withdrawn from the compact, which led the foreign minister, a former president of the UN General Assembly, to offer his resignation. In Germany a row over the compact, triggered by the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD), has forced the candidates running to succeed Angela Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union to declare themselves: for or against? (The party chooses her successor on December 7th.) Now the AfD boasts, correctly, that its ideas have infiltrated the mainstream.这意味着其他的势力在起作用。在斯洛伐克,直到深陷论文剽窃丑闻的议会议长想要改变舆论后,该协议才激起了人们的热烈讨论。自那以后,斯洛伐克政府退出了该协议,导致担任前联合国大会主席的外交部长提出辞职。在德国,右翼的德国新选择党引发了一场关于该协议的争论,迫使要接替安格拉•默克尔成为基督教民主联盟领导人的候选人宣布支持还是反对?(该党将在12月7日选出默克尔的继任者。)如今,德国新选择党宣称,其理念已渗透到主流社会。确实如此!

As has become depressingly routine in Europe, the row over the UNcompact has little to do with its ostensible target and everything to do with the smouldering embers of a culture war that the drastic reduction in illegal immigration since the surge of 2015 has failed to extinguish. (A pointless spat over border controls nearly destroyed Mrs Merkel’s coalition earlier this year.) Immigration remains a potent topic for the right; the trouble in Belgium started when the country’s largest party, the nationalist New Flemish Alliance, began a social-media campaign against the compact, replete with imagery of women in niqabs and the like (it later apologised). But in the absence of a genuine crisis to mobilise support, fake problems must be confected. The UN compact is a sitting duck. There is no downside to hammering a multilateral agreement on a controversial subject negotiated by obscure officials in air-conditioned rooms abroad. That it was agreed by governments in plain sight, with parliamentarians invited to participate, is by-the-by.








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