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首页 考试资讯考研专硕 2020考研MTI双语阅读精选:社交媒体武器化


时间:2019-08-23 15:48:23 编辑:leichenchen



WHEN LATVIA conducted its biggest-ever national military exercise last August, which mobilised more than 10,000 people, a group of researchers discovered that using only open-source information they could identify about 10% of the individuals involved—and use that knowledge to track the exercise in real time. They also found they could make a soldier leave his post, against orders. Janis Sarts, director of NATO’s Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, which ran the experiment, said it was very simple.当拉脱维亚在2018年8月举行有史以来最大规模的国家军事演习时,一组研究人员发现:如果只使用开源信息的话,他们可查10%左右的参加演习人员——同时还可利用这些信息实时追踪演习活动。他们还发现不仅可以让一名士兵离开岗位,而且还是违反命令的情况下。负责该实验的北约战略通信卓越中心主任贾尼斯·萨特(Janis Sarts)表示,这非常容易做到。

The StratCom unit was set up in 2014. It now has about 40 people and is already outgrowing its home in a white building in Riga. Its expansion reflects the rising importance of information warfare in the age of social media.北约战略通信卓越中心成立于2014年,现已有大约40人左右,人员规模在里加的白色建筑中不断扩大,这反映了信息战在社交媒体时代日益凸显的重要性。

Part of its job is to do something for which surprisingly few governments have the capacity: monitor the information environment. It tracks the “weaponisation” of social media, including the use of bots and a growing trend towards “hybrid” activity involving both humans and machines. It studies what Russia and terrorist groups are up to. Iran is also increasingly active, says Mr Sarts, and China is quickly becoming the most capable country, though it is less willing than Russia to take risks in Europe.StratCom的一部分职责是做极少数政府能做到的事——监控信息环境。它追踪到社交媒体的“武器化”,其中包括使用机器人以及涉及人类和机器“混合”体活动的增长趋势。它研究了包括俄罗斯和恐怖组织的意图。萨特表示,伊朗最近在此方面也越来越活跃,而中国也正在迅为实力强的国家,尽管它不像俄罗斯那样愿意在欧洲冒险。

The other part of the job is to put this knowledge to use. The unit helps with training, introduces information warfare into NATO exercises and gets involved in operational support beyond the military sphere, such as election resilience. Tracking Russian propaganda efforts to undermine NATO’s new multinational battlegroups in the Baltics allowed StratCom to push back quickly and effectively.这项工作的另外一部分事项是上述方式学以致用。该部门参与培训工作,将信息战引入北约演习,以及对军事领域以外的一些行动提供操作性支持,如选举适应性。StratCom在追踪俄罗斯鼓吹破坏北约在波罗的海地区新多国战斗群的手段,使其能够迅速有效地反击。

As data get ever richer, Mr Sarts expects information to be increasingly used to influence behaviour; he talks of “cognitive warfare”. Deep fakes will make it hard to know whether a video or voice recording is genuine or not, undermining trust and making more people move to closed groups with embedded beliefs, he predicts. Some of the tech giants, including Instagram (owned by Facebook) and YouTube (owned by Google), deserve more scrutiny, he says. He does not think that self-regulation will work, and sees a need for a proper regulatory framework.随着相关数据的不断丰富,萨特也希望将信息越来越多地用于影响实际行动。他谈到了“认知战”。他预测,深度做假行为会让一般人很难查觉出视频或音频的真实性,会大大离间了人与人之间的互相信任,从而让更多的人转向以信念为基石的封闭性团体。他表示,某些技术巨头,包括(Facebook旗下)Instagram和(谷歌旗下)YouTube都需要更深入的审核。他并不认为企业自律有作用,同时还认为需要一个适当的监管框架。

StratCom collaborates on some projects with a well-regarded centre in neighbouring Estonia that specialises in cyber-defence. Lithuania has an outfit for energy security. They are among 25 NATO-accredited “centres of excellence” with a range of expertise—one way in which small countries can make an outsized contribution to the alliance.StratCom与邻国爱沙尼亚的一家专门从事网络防御的高信誉度的研究中心合作一些项目。立陶宛有能源安全方面的装备,是北约认可的25个“卓越中心”的其中之一,其拥有一系列专业知识——像立陶宛这样的小国以此为北约做出巨大的贡献。







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