翻译硕士考研群体们,在备考专业课时,需要额外关注中国日报期刊上的信息。因为这些也是有可能要考到的内容。接下来,北京文都考研网为帮助翻译硕士考生提习效率,整理出MTI中国日报8月热词: 西部陆海新通道,供考生参考。
The National Development and Reform Commission has released an overall plan about the country's new western land-sea corridor to deepen the sea-land two-way opening-up and the development of western China. The plan covers the period from 2019 to 2025 with an outlook extended to 2035.
西部大开发 western development
中部崛起 the rise of Central China
东北振兴 revitalization of the northeast
京津冀协同发展 integrated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
以上是北京文都考研网给出的“2020考研MTI中国日报8月热词: 西部陆海新通道”,希望对翻译硕士学子们,在备考时有所帮助!祝2020考研金榜题名!