考研英语的备考,离不开词汇和语法的补习。下面,小编为帮助2021考研学子掌握英语核心词汇,精心为考生整理——2021考研英语必考词汇(72) ,供考生参考。
costume ['kɒstju:m]
例 People wore historical costumes for the parade.人们穿着古装参加游行。//Dressed up as a bumblebee,John won the prize for the best costume.约翰把自己装扮成大黄蜂,贏得了较好服饰奖。
cue [kju:]
例 When I nod my head,that's your cue to interrupt the meeting.我一点头,就是暗示你休会。
dash [dæf]
例 An ambulance dashed to the scene of the accident.救护车风驰电掣地赶往事故现场。//Here should be a dash to indicate a pause.这儿应该有个破折号来表示停顿。