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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:洗钱


时间:2019-07-18 14:05:49 编辑:leichenchen



Financial crimes come in all shapes and sizes, from politicians siphoning off state wealth and officials taking bungs to terrorists buying arms and gangs laundering drug profits.


A common element is the use of shell companies, partnerships or foundations to hide the identities of those moving dirty money.


Such brass-plate entities, whose ownership is typically hard if not impossible to trace,were at the heart of the theft from 1MDB, a Malaysian state fund, and a $230bn money-rinsing scandal at Danske Bank.


They have been dubbed the "getaway cars" of financial crime.


NGOs such as Global Witness and Transparency International have long highlighted shells'pernicious role,picking up support from government investigators sick of trails going cold.

非政府组织,如全球见证组织和透明国际,长期以来一直在强调空壳公司的有害作用 得到了那些厌倦追查不到踪迹的政府调查人员的支持。

Their biggest success was to persuade Britain, in 2016, to become the first G20 country to setup a public register of company owners. The rest of the European Union is set to follow once a new money-laundering directive takes effect. That leaves plenty of gaps.


But two of the biggest, Britain's offshore territories and America, are also moving in the direction of ditching secrecy.Earlier this month Britain's three Crown Dependencies—Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man—issued a surprise joint statement pledging to table legislation to introduce public registers by2023.

但是其中最大的两个,英国的近海领土和美国,也在朝着放弃保密的方向前进。月初,英国的三个皇家属地—泽西岛、根西岛和马恩岛— 发布了一份出人意料的联合声明,承诺在2023年之前通过立法引入公众登记册。

They had long insisted that efforts by British MPs to force such a move could trigger a constitutional crisis. But the growing clout of the transparency movement persuaded them to jump rather than wait to be pushed.


Were three of the biggest offshore financial centres to end secrecy,it would make it harder for others—including Britain's Caribbean territories, such as the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands—to keep owners in the shadows.

如果三家最大的离岸金融中心终止保密, 这会让其他的金融中心更加难以—包括英国的加勒比地区 如英属维尔京群岛以及开曼群岛—掩护所有者们。

But campaigners' optimism is tinged with caution.


The Crown Dependencies envisage a staged implementation, with access first for police,then for financial firms doing due diligence, and only later for everyone else. Some fear a ruseto buy time.

皇家属地想要分阶段实施,先是警察 然后再是做尽职调查的金融公司,最后是其他人。有些人担心这是一个拖延时间的诡计。

Shell companies in America, where incorporation is at state level, are among the world's most secretive. A recent study found that in all 50 states more personal information is needed to get a librarycard than to register a company.


In some, such as Kentucky, registration can be done without giving contact details. A study of international corruption cases in 2012 found that more of the shells involved were from America than from anywhere else.


In every congressional session since the financial crisis, a group of federal lawmakers has proposed corporate-transparency legislation, only to see it fail. This time looks different. On June 12th a bill was approved by the House Financial Services Committee—the first time such a law had reached that stage.

在金融危机以来的每一次国会会议上, 一群联邦立法者提议公司透明度立法,却都以失败告终。这次看起来有所不同。在6月12日,众议院金融服务委员会通过了一项法案,这是此类法律第一次达到这个阶段。

A similar bill has been introduced in the Senate. Campaigners are hopeful that a merged version will become law by the end of the year.


If it does, America would not get a public register but its companies would be required to disclose their beneficial owners to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a federal agency, and to keep their ownership information up-to-date.


There is still opposition, including some from a small-business association that worries about red tape.


But Delaware, the biggest state for incorporation, is on board, as is America's treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin. (His boss, Donald Trump, whose businesses have sold many a property to anonymously owned companies over the years, has not made his views known.)


If the bill passes, anti-graft activists would then push America to adopt a public register. But Britain's experience shows that transparency alone is not enough. Investigations by campaigners suggest that the information provided to its register is of mixed quality, to put it mildly.


With enforcement lax, ne'er-do-wells are seemingly tempted to lie about who owns a firm and hope to get away with it. The government has promised an overhaul, with more money to police submissions.


It will be some time before robbers' cars are forced off the world's financial highways.








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