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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:俄罗斯-众说纷纭


时间:2019-07-16 14:35:08 编辑:leichenchen



A visitor to Moscow inquiring about the outlook for Russia's economy will often be met with answers that take a detour into the country's past.


Ask, for instance, why Russia runs such conservative budgetary and interest-rate policies and you may be told that the trauma of default in 1998 bred a strong desire for low debt and low inflation.

例如询问为什么俄罗斯采取如此保守的预算和利率政策 你可能会被告知,1998年的违约创伤催生了对低债务和低通胀的强烈愿望。

Ask why property rights are weak and you may be taken further back, to the end of serfdom in1861. Until then many Russians did not even own their own souls.


Not all investors are history buffs. But looking at Russia through the lens of risk and reward they see a dichotomy. On the one hand, the emphasis the authorities place on controlling public debt and curbing inflation makes it an attractive place for bond investors. Russia is fixed income heaven.

并非所有投资者都是历史爱好者。但从风险和回报的角度看俄罗斯,他们看到了一个两面性。一方面,当局把重点放在控制公共债务和抑制通货膨胀上 这使得俄罗斯成为了一个吸引债券投资者的地方。俄罗斯是固定收益天堂。

On the other, the economy lacks dynamism, in large part because the venturesome cannot lay secure claim to their investments. For equity investors, Russia can be hellish.


Start with its charms for bond investors. Their aim for their money is to get it back with interest. They would also like it to retain its purchasing power. Their big concerns, aside from default, are inflation and (unless they are buying hard-currency bonds) devaluation. So there is much to like about Russia.

从它对债券投资者的吸引力开始。他们赚钱的目标是将钱连本带利的收回.他们还希望它能保持其购买力。除了违约,他们最大的担忧 是通货膨胀以及(除非他们购买硬通货债券)货币贬值。因此,俄罗斯有很多值得喜欢的地方。

The public-debt burden is light, at below 20% of GDP. True, a lot of tax revenue is tied to the vagaries of oil prices. But Russia now has a fiscal rule. Its budget is based on an oil price of $40 a barrel.



Any excess revenue goes into a reserve fund. Last year the budget was in comfortable surplus. By stopping the government from overspending, the fiscal rule also helps keep a lid on inflation.


The Kremlin allows the central bank to set monetary policy without meddling, to meet a goal of inflation of 4%. The bank's governor, Elvira Nabiullina, is admired for her professional competence—and also for persuading Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, to allow the rouble to drop in 2014.

俄罗斯政府允许中央银行在不干预的情况下制定货币政策,以达到4%的通胀目标。银行行长Elvira Nabiullina因其专业能力而受到赞赏— 也因说服俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京允许卢布在2014年贬值而受称赞。

Inflation has since come under control. She has cut interest rates slowly, to 7.5%. For bondholders this is wonderful: decent yields, low debt and stable inflation. The rouble issteady.


American sanctions, imposed after 2014 in response to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, led many affected Russian firms to pay down foreign debt. Sanctions act like a global-capital quarantine. And Russia runs a biggish current-account surplus.

2014年俄罗斯军事干涉乌克兰后,美国对其实施制裁 美国制裁导致很多受影响的俄罗斯公司偿还外债。制裁就像是全球资本隔离一样。俄罗斯拥有较大的经常账户盈余。

But Russia is a more hazardous place for equity investors. A stock ought to be a claim on acompany's assets. A quick survey of modern history throws up reasons to doubt that such claims are secure.


In 2003-04 the state seized Yukos, a giant oil company.


More recently a dispute over oil assets between Rosneft, the statebacked firm that absorbed Yukos's assets, and Sistema, a big conglomerate, rattled investors and gutted Sistema's share price.

近期收购尤科斯资产的国有公司俄罗斯石油公司和一家大型企业集团Sistema 因石油资产产生争端,投资者因而惊慌失措,Sistema的股价一落千丈。

Yet for the intrepid, Russian stocks still have appeal. For a start, they are cheap. MSCI's Russia index has a price-to earnings ratio of six, compared with 12 for its broader emerging-market index.

但对于无畏的投资者来说,俄罗斯股市仍然具有吸引力. 首先,它们很便宜。和其更广泛的新兴市场指数的12相比,明晟公司(MSCI)俄罗斯指数的市盈率为6.

That kind of value is bait for stockpickers, who hope to sort good long-term bets from the ones that might turn ugly.


They cautiously avoid firms such as Gazprom, a state-owned gas producer, that are instruments of the Kremlin's strategic goals. (American sanctions have made it unwise to hold such stocks in any event.)


Instead they go for well-run firms with strong consumer brands, such as Sberbank, Russia's biggest bank, or Yandex, its internet-search firm.

相反,他们寻求那些拥有强大消费者品牌且运营良好的公司 如俄罗斯最大的银行俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行,或其互联网搜索公司Yandex。

The state is unlikely to mess with firms on which the economy's day-to-day stability depends. Give Russia some credit, say boosters. Macro-stability is not a given. Central banks have come under political attack in other emerging markets—India, South Africaand Turkey—and now in America, too.


Optimists say that plans to cut red tape and increase public investment will lift Russia's GDP growth potential. Still, for the unwary investor, Russia is a snare. Even old hands can be caught out.


Michael Calvey, the American boss of Baring Vostok, a private-equity firm,Michael Calvey was arrested in February amid a conflict with an investment partner who has connections to the security services.

私人股本公司Baring Vostok的美国老板因与一名和安全部门有关的投资伙伴发生冲突而于今年2月被捕。

Despite testimonials from the boss of Sberbank and the founder of Yandex, Mr Calvey remains under house arrest. Realists say it is the big-picture stuff that holds the economy back. Establishing the rule of law and property takes political will. But it takes time, too.


In the early 1990s a prominent Western economist was asked how Russia could become a thriving market economy. His advice? "Get yourselves another history."








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