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时间:2019-07-03 14:15:00 编辑:leichenchen



Drone deliveries are advancing in health care


No longer just in Africa, but in Europe and America too


A few years ago Jeff Bezos made a prediction. By 2018 his e-commerce empire, Amazon, would be delivering items by drone.


Prime Air has yet to launch. But startups are making progress—mostly in health care, where they are vying to tap into a lucrative, $70bn global market in health-care logistics. As they deal with regulators and investors, these firms are charting the course for other aerial deliveries.

虽然 Prime Air(亚马逊的送货无人机)尚未投入运营,但一些初创企业正在取得进展(主要是在医疗保健领域),它们正在竞相争夺一个利润丰厚、价值高达700亿美元的全球医疗保健物流市场。在同监管机构和投资者打交道的过程中,这些公司正在为航空运输开辟航线。

One of the best known is Zipline, based in San Francisco. It took off in Rwanda in 2016, where it is now a national on-demand medical drone network, delivering 150 medical products, mostly blood and vaccines, to hard-to-reach places.


Maternal mortality rates are declining thanks to the delivery of blood. Other firms have used drones to supply medicines in Bhutan, Malawi and Papua New Guinea. Patients in many Swiss hospitals can receive results on the day a sample is taken.


Zipline is expanding into Ghana and, later this year, into North Carolina, an American state with many out-of-the-way rural medical facilities. It wants to serve 700m people in the next three to four years.

Zipline 正在把业务扩展到加纳,并在今年晚些时候扩展至北卡罗来纳州(该州的许多医疗设施都地处偏远的农村)。Zipline 希望在未来3至4年内为7亿人提供服务。

For governments and regulators nervous about allowing drones to roam the skies, health-care deliveries offer a compelling reason to give it a go. Drones can fall out of the sky, collide with other air traffic, create perceived privacy concerns and make a noise.


All this is hard to justify when they are delivering a light bulb. When they carry life-saving medicines the calculation is different. It is also easier, says Ben Marcus, founder of AirMap, a drone-technology firm, because health-care deliveries typically happen between a limited number of fixed sites, not to and from innumerable doorsteps.

如果用无人机来运送一枚灯泡,那么这些都成为问题了。但如果用无人机来运送救命的药品时,这些都不成问题了。无人机技术公司 AirMap 的创始人本·马库斯说,这些问题很容易解决,因为医疗投递往往是往来于有限固定的地点之间,而不是在家家户户的门口之间。

Like most fast-growing startups, drone firms are coy about profitability but say they are generating revenue. Investors look convinced. On May 17th Zipline announced $190m in new financing, which values it at $1.2bn.

和大多数快长的初创企业一样,无人机公司对其盈利能力讳莫如深,但表示正在创造收益。看来投资者选择相信他们。5月17日,Zipline 宣布最新融资1.9亿美元,其市场估值由此达12亿美元。

Like its competitors, it sees lucrative opportunities. For one thing, medical parcels are lightweight but valuable, so drone costs would make up a relatively small portion of the final bill.

和竞争对手一样,Zipline 也看到了其中的丰厚利润。首先,医疗包裹重量轻,但价值高,因此无人机运输成本仅占总成本的一小部分。

Drones can also replace the stocks of expensive medicines hospitals keep just in case they are needed, by flying them quickly to hospital beds from a central hub. Lightweight electric drones are likely to be less expensive than car or motorcycle couriers, and faster.


Andreas Raptopoulos, boss of Matternet, another drone-delivery firm, thinks that this could save hospitals millions in lab and pharmacy costs.

另一家无人机投递公司 Matternet 的老板安德里亚斯·拉托普洛斯认为,这能为医院节省数百万美元的实验室和药物成本。

The future of drone deliveries of all kinds in America, and elsewhere, rests with regulators. In less developed countries the skies are empty and permission to fly can be granted by a single person. In developed countries, with their more crowded airspace and thicker rule books, everything takes longer.




delivery [dɪ'lɪvəri] n. 交付;分娩;递送

logistics [lə'dʒɪstɪks] n. 后勤;后勤学;物流

out-of-the-way ['autəvðə'wei] adj. 偏僻的;非凡的;不合常规的

collide [kə'laɪd] vi. 碰撞;抵触,冲突 vt. 使碰撞;使相撞

pharmacy ['fɑrməsi] n. 药房;配药学,药剂学;制药业;一批备用药品







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