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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊11月:为什么会做同一个梦?


时间:2023-12-22 16:59:45 编辑:


For years, dreams of my teeth cracking, loosening or falling out plagued my sleep. Some of my loved ones have repeatedly dreamed of flying, rolling away in a self-operating car or running late for school or work. These aren’t typical nightmares, which usually happen once. They’re some of the most common recurring dreams, which tend to lean negative and can take some work to overcome.

“Recurring dreams are likelier to be about very profound life experiences or just very character logic issues that are kind of guaranteed to recur in waking life because they’re part of you rather than a one-time event,” said dream researcher Deirdre Barrett, a lecturer of psychology in the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Since our dreams typically don’t repeat themselves, all it takes is dreaming the same dream twice or more for it to be considered recurring, Barrett said. They’re more common in childhood, Barrett said, but can last into adulthood. And recurring dreams don’t always happen in close proximity to each other — they can pop up multiple times per month or years apart, Barrett said.

Recurring dreams might be the same every time, or they might just recycle the same types of scenarios or worries, experts said.

“It is difficult to assess the prevalence of recurrent dreams because it is not something that happens on a regular basis for most people,” said clinical psychologist Dr. Nirit Soffer-Dudek, a senior lecturer in the department of psychology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, via email. “And when people are asked about past dreams in their life, they may be influenced by memory distortions, interest in dreams (or lack thereof), or other factors.”
以色列内盖夫本古里安大学心理学系高级讲师、临床心理学家Nirit Soffer Dudek博士通过电子邮件表示:“很难评估反复做梦的患病率,因为对大多数人来说,这不是经常发生的事情。”。“当人们被问及他们生活中过去的梦时,他们可能会受到记忆扭曲、对梦的兴趣(或缺乏兴趣)或其他因素的影响。”

Regardless, anything that comes up repeatedly is worth investigating, said sleep medicine specialist Dr. Alex Dimitriu, founder of Silicon Psych, a psychiatry and sleep medicine practice in Menlo Park, California.
无论如何,任何反复出现的事情都值得调查,睡眠医学专家Alex Dimitriu博士说,他是加州门洛帕克的一家精神病学和睡眠医学诊所Silicon Psych的创始人。

“People have this kind of touch-and-go approach with things that are uncomfortable or fear-inducing, and I think dreams are, in some way, the same way,” Dimitriu said. “As a psychiatrist, I’m inclined to say that there is some message that might be trying to be conveyed to you. And the answer, then, might be to figure out what that is. And I think when you do, you might be able to put the thing to rest.”

Here’s how to figure out what’s triggering your recurring dreams.

For some recurring dreams, the message is straightforward — if you repeatedly dream about running late for school or work, you’re probably just often nervous about being unprepared for those things. But others, despite their commonness, might not have a universal meaning, requiring you do some soul-searching.

“In interpretation, we really don’t believe there are universal symbols, but that (it’s) what an individual’s own sort of personal symbol system is and their associations to something are,” Barrett said.

In addition to unpreparedness, other common themes of recurring dreams include social embarrassment, feelings of inadequacy compared with others, and danger in the form of car crashes or natural disasters, Barrett and Dimitriu said.

Some people have dreams revolving around test anxiety even if they haven’t been in school for years, Barrett said. It can reflect a general fear of failure or a sense of being judged by authority figures. Dreams of tooth loss or damage might have to do with loss of something else in your life, feelings of hopelessness or defenselessness, or health concerns.

When faced with a recurring dream, ask yourself what the message could be, Dimitriu said. What is your relationship to the things or people in the dream? What are your fears and belief systems about those things? What are the top five things in your life that might be triggering it or related to it? What are you really worried about?

“I definitely think it’s fine to do informal dream interpretation, either on your own or with a close, trusted person who may just sort of see things to question in it that you don’t,” Barrett said.







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