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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊8月:美国制造业还有救吗?


时间:2023-08-22 20:23:52 编辑:Lcc



Industry has an allure all of its own. “From manufacturing you may expect the two greatest ills of humanity, superstition and slavery, to be healed,” wrote Ferdinando Galiani, an Enlightenment thinker.


More than 250 years on, governments share his view of factories as a cure for the ills of the age—including climate change, the loss of middle-class jobs, geopolitical strife and weak economic growth—with an enthusiasm and munificence surpassing anything seen in decades.

250 多年过去了,各国政府都认同他的观点,认为工厂是治疗时代弊病(包括气候变化、中产阶级失业、地缘政治冲突和经济增长乏力)的良药,其热情和慷慨程度超过了几十年来的任何时期。

Nowhere is spending more than America. “Folks, where is it written that [we] can’t once again be the manufacturing capital of the world?” Joe Biden, the country’s president, has asked. In search of an answer, he has committed around $1trn, or almost 5% of American GDP. In response, the EU has tweaked state-aid rules, so that national governments can splash out. These initiatives follow the example of rising Asian powers.

没有哪个国家比美国费尽心思。美国总统乔·拜登问道:“各位,哪里写着(我们)不能再次成为世界制造业之都?” 为了寻找答案,他承诺投入约1万亿美元,几乎相当于美国GDP的5%。作为回应,欧盟已经调整了国家援助规则,以便各国政府能够慷慨解囊。这些举措效仿了亚洲崛起大国的做法。

China’s “Made in China” strategy aims to turn the country from a big manufacturing player into a dominant one. India’s “Make in India” strategy hopes to boost the industrial share of the economy to 25% of value added by 2025. Emerging markets with bountiful natural resources, including Indonesia and Zimbabwe, are busy banning the export of raw materials as part of attempts to incubate home-grown industries.

中国的“中国制造”战略旨在将中国从一个制造业大国转变为主导者。印度的“印度制造”战略希望到2025 年将工业占经济增加值的比重提到 25%。自然资源丰富的新兴市场(包括印尼和津巴布韦)正忙于禁止原材料出口,试图孵化本土工业。

In the West the aim is to reverse industrial decline, which is keenly felt by voters. As a share of global economic output, manufacturing has dropped from 19% in 1997 to 16% today, with the fall steepest in rich countries. In China and India industry’s share of economic output appears to be roughly where it was three decades ago, but even in these countries it has slipped in recent years.


Manufacturing boosters make four arguments in favour of attempting to reverse this trend. First, politicians in the West say that factories are a source of solid jobs that produce a bigger and more satisfied middle class. Second, boosters view manufacturing as a driver of innovation and growth.


This is urgently needed to fuel the green transition—the third reason—which will be more palatable to electorates if it delivers local jobs. Finally, tensions between America and China have pushed world leaders to reconsider which goods are strategically important, and therefore should be produced closer to home.


Start by considering the type of employment on offer. The notion of a “good manufacturing job” is an old one. During the 20th century, those without a university education could find decent wages, job security, a bit of personal autonomy and career progression in factories.


Indeed, just over a decade ago production jobs in America paid a premium of 5% compared with similar service-sector ones, and offered steady hours and generous benefits.


More recently, though, the picture has changed: many good manufacturing jobs no longer exist. Across the rich world, employment that requires mid-level technical skills (think machine operators) has given way to a mix of high- and low-level jobs, mostly in service sectors (think coders and baristas).

但近期,情况发生了变化:许多好的制造业工作岗位已不复存在。在整个发达国家世界,需要中级技术技能的工作(比如机器操作员)已经让位于高级和低级工作的混合,主要是在服务行业(比如程序员和咖啡师) 。

Wealthy populations spend more of their income on services; industrial demand is increasingly met by emerging markets. Whether in Detroit or Dortmund the consequences are obvious and, by now, familiar. At first glance, those who decry the loss of manufacturing jobs have a point. Surely it is worth paying to get them back?




delusion [dɪˈluːʒn] n. 错觉;妄想;欺骗

superstition [ˌsuːpərˈstɪʃn] n. 迷信

keenly [ˈkiːnli] adv. 强烈地;敏锐地

palatable [ˈpælətəbl] adj. 美味的;可口的;受欢迎的







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