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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊:瑞典计划用木头建造一座城市


时间:2023-07-20 20:36:19 编辑:Lcc



There is A global race to build the tallest wooden skyscraper. The record was held by Mjostarnet, an 85-metre tower on the shore of Lake Mjosa in Norway, which hosts flats, a hotel and a swimming pool—until Ascent, an 87-metre structure, was completed in Wisconsin in July 2022.


And it will be put in the shade in turn by other buildings: a 90 metre tower is planned for Ontario, and a 100 metre one for Switzerland. (By way of comparison, St Paul’s cathedral in London is 110 metres tall.)


This week, though, a Swedish firm announced it was going for a different sort of record. It unveiled plans to build what could be the world’s biggest wooden city. Stockholm Wood City will be built in Sickla, an area in the south of the Swedish capital. Construction on the 250.000 square-metre site will begin in 2025.


When complete, ten years later, it will contain 2.000 homes and 7.000 offices, along with restaurants and shops. The 12bn-krona ($1.4bn) project is led by Atrium Ljungberg, a Swedish urban development company.

建成之后的木之城将能拥有2000套住房、7000间办公室以及若干餐厅和商店。这个耗资120亿克朗(约合14亿美元)的项目由瑞典城市开发公司 Atrium Ljungberg 牵头实施。

By using wood the company hopes to reduce the project’s carbon footprint by up to 40%, compared with building in concrete and steel, says Annica Anäs, the company’s boss. Wood is a sustainable material that can be produced from renewable forests, which Sweden has in plenty.


When used for building, it locks up the carbon that the trees absorbed from the atmosphere while growing. As with other modern construction projects using timber, Wood City will still use some concrete and steel in places like the foundations, but the overall amounts will be greatly reduced. As wooden buildings are much lighter, their foundations can be smaller.


The Swedish project will, as existing wooden skyscrapers do, employ large prefabricated sections made from what is called “engineered timber”. Instead of ordinary lumber, chipboard or plywood, engineered timber is a composite in which layers of wood are laminated together in specific ways.


The wood grains in each layer are aligned to provide individual components of the building, such as floors, walls, cross braces and beams, with extremely high levels of strength. And because these parts can be manufactured in a factory, where tolerances are finer and quality control is easier to maintain than on a building site, the use of prefabricated sections cuts down on the delivery of raw materials and allows construction to proceed more quickly.


Another advantage is that construction will not be as noisy as it would be if the town were built from concrete and bricks, adds Ms Anäs. This makes wooden buildings particularly suitable for urban redevelopment in general, since putting them up is less likely to annoy the neighbours.


It should also be profitable. Ms Anäs is looking for a return on investment of 20% or better. “Sweden is progressive when it comes to wood construction,” she says. “But I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work elsewhere.”


The biggest concern most people have about wooden buildings is the risk of fire. The buildings in Wood City will be fitted with several fire-protection systems, such as sprinklers and flame-resistant layers, as would also be found on their concrete or brick counterparts.


At the same time, researchers are coming to believe that engineered timber is, by its nature, extremely fire resistant. To help win approval for the construction of the Ascent building, the US Forest Service carried out tests on the laminated timber columns it would use. After finding them difficult to burn, the columns were awarded an exemplary three-hour fire-resistance rating because they maintained their structural integrity.




timber [ˈtɪmbər] n. 木材;原木;树木

prefabricate [priˈfæbrəˌkeɪt] v. 预先建造;预制

lumber [ˈlʌmbər] v. 笨拙地移动;拖累;采伐林木 n. 废旧家具;成材

laminate [ˈlæməˌneɪt] v. 涂或覆盖于;用层压法制造

exemplary [ɪɡˈzempləri] adj. 模范的;典范的







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