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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊:人类走哪里都会散布遗传信息


时间:2023-05-24 14:41:54 编辑:Lcc



In the genetic age, ecologists’ jobs are made much easier by two things. One is that every organism carries its own chemical identity card, in the form of its genome. The second is that they drop these ID cards everywhere they go. Urine, bits of fur stuck to a hedge, even shed skin cells: all deposit DNA into the environment. Cheap gene sequencing allows scientists to harvest this “environmental DNA” (eDNA) from soil, sand, water and the like, and use it to keep track of which species are living where.

在遗传时代,有两件事使生态学家的工作变得容易得多。一是每个有机体都以其基因组的形式携带自己的化学身份证。二个是他们走到哪里都会丢下这些身份证。尿液、粘在树篱上的毛皮碎片,甚至脱落的皮肤细胞:所有这些都会将 DNA 沉积到环境中。廉价的基因测序使科学家能够从土壤、沙子、水等类似物中获取这种“环境DNA”(eDNA),并用它来跟踪哪些物种生活在哪里。

“Every organism,” of course, includes humans. In a paper published on May 15th in Nature Ecology & Evolution, a group of researchers from America and Europe report that such eDNA surveys pick up large quantities of human DNA too. That DNA can be read—and potentially matched with individuals—by anyone with the right equipment. The researchers did not set out to study “inadvertent human genetic bycatch”, as they call the phenomenon. The work began at the Whitney Sea Turtle Hospital in Florida, during an investigation into a viral turtle disease.

“每个有机体”当然包括人类。在 5 月 15 日发表在《自然生态学与进化》杂志上的一篇论文中,来自美国和欧洲的一组研究人员报告说,这种 eDNA 调查也收集了大量的人类 DNA。任何拥有合适设备的人都可以读取该 DNA,并可能与个人进行匹配。研究人员并没有着手研究他们所说的“无意中的人类遗传副产物”现象。这项工作始于佛罗里达州的惠特尼海龟医院,当时正在调查一种病毒性海龟病。

The researchers sampled water from the turtle’s tanks, as well as from ocean water and beaches upon which the creatures nested, looking for viral DNA. They expected to sweep up DNA from other species during their trawl. What was surprising, according to Jessica Farrell, a biologist at the Whitney Hospital and one of the paper’s authors, was just how much human DNA they found. Even though many of their sampling sites were not near towns and cities, they found human genetic material in every sample they examined.

研究人员从海龟的水箱以及海龟筑巢的海水和海滩中采集了水样,以寻找病毒 DNA。他们希望在拖网期间从其他物种身上扫到DNA。惠特尼医院的生物学家、该论文的作者之一杰西卡·法雷尔 (Jessica Farrell) 表示,令人惊讶的是他们发现了这么多的人类 DNA。尽管他们的许多采样点都不在城镇附近,但他们在检查的每个样本中都发现了人类遗传物质。



shed/ʃed/ vt. 散布;

ecologist/iˈkɑːlədʒɪst/ n. 生态学家;

organism/ˈɔːrɡənɪzəm/ n. 生物,有机体;

genome/ˈdʒiːnoʊm/ n. 基因组,染色体组;

urine/ˈjʊrɪn/ n. 尿液,小便;

hedge/hedʒ/ n. 树篱;

deposit/dɪˈpɑːzɪt/ vt. 沉积;储蓄;存放,寄存;

gene sequencing 基因测序;

harvest/ˈhɑːrvɪst/ vt. 收割,收获;采集,搜集;

pick up 拿起,提起;拾起,捡起;(不费力地)获得,学会;

set out to 着手做,开始努力实现;

inadvertent/ˌɪnədˈvɜːrt(ə)nt/ adj. 疏忽的;不注意的;

genetic bycatch 人类遗传副渔获物;

viral/ˈvaɪrəl/ adj. 病毒性的,病毒引起的;







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