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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2024考研英语同源外刊2月:新冠口服药Paxlovid无缘医保


时间:2023-02-03 18:54:04 编辑:Lcc



Two major oral antiviral pills, Pfizer's Paxlovid and the domestically-developed Azvudine, are now available for COVID-19 treatment at community clinics in several districts in Shanghai and Beijing.

辉瑞公司的 Paxlovid 和国产的阿兹夫定是两种主要的口服抗病毒药物,目前在上海和北京多地的社区诊所用于新冠治疗。

The medications can be acquired with aprescription by elderly or vulnerable COVID-19 patients who are in the early stages of their infections, according to health authorities. In Minhang district, all its 14 community-level medical institutions can prescribe Paxlovid for patients. The price is 1.890 yuan ($275) and is partially covered by medical insurance.

卫生当局表示,处于感染早期阶段的老年或脆弱易感人群可以凭处方开这两种药物。闵行区14家基层医疗机构均可为患者开具 Paxlovid,其价格为1890元(约合275美元),医保可报销部分费用。

In Huangpu district, Paxlovid has been used for treatment for several days among community clinics but doctors have cautioned there is a strict criterion for usage, according to an article published on the district's official WeChat account.

黄浦区官方微信公众号发表的一篇文章称,Paxlovid 在黄浦区的社区诊所中已投入治疗多日,但医生提醒到,Paxlovid 仍然有着很严格的使用标准。

"The drug is suitable for vulnerable seniors with underlying diseases or who are unvaccinated and have the potential to become seriously ill. We suggest for them to use it as early as possible, ideally within five days from first showing symptoms," said Chen Zhuo, a doctor with Laoximen medical center in Huangpu district.


"We will look at data such as liver function indices and blood oxygen saturation to help patients decide whether they need to use the medicine."


As stated on Pfizer's website, the possible side effects of Paxlovid are allergic reactions and liver problems. Other side effects include an altered sense of taste, diarrhea and high blood pressure.

如辉瑞公司网站所述,Paxlovid 的常见副作用有过敏反应和肝脏问题,其他还包括味觉异常、腹泻和高血压。

In Beijing, Paxlovid can be prescribed with similar criteria in several community clinics in districts including Chaoyang, Haidian and Dongcheng.

北京朝阳区、海淀区和东城区的几家社区诊所都可以按照类似的标准开出 Paxlovid。

A doctor surname Cui who works at the Jimenli community medical center in Haidian district told China Daily the drugs are available to senior patients over 65 with underlying diseases and unvaccinated seniors over 80.


She said it takes patients around half an hour to complete the evaluation and prescription procedure before getting the medicine.




prescription [prɪˈskrɪpʃn] n. 处方;药方

diarrhea [ˌdaɪəˈriə] n. 腹泻





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