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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:无人机(下)


时间:2019-08-06 15:01:45 编辑:leichenchen



In the first nine months of 2017, there were 1,696 drone sightings, according to the FAA’s most recent data, compared with 238 in all of 2014, the first year the data were tracked.

联邦航空局(FAA)数据显示,2017年前9个月,飞行员们就目睹了1696起无人机违章飞行事件, 而首次追踪这一数据的2014年全年数据才238起。

The FAA expects the problem will get worse as the number of drones is estimated to triple to 3.5 million by 2021.


The risk of small drones’ flying into sensitive facilities first came into public view in 2015 when a hobbyist lost control of a drone that crashed on the southeast side of the 18-acre secure zone around White House grounds at about 3 a.m., triggering a Secret Service lockdown of the compound.

小型无人机飞入敏感设施的风险首次进入公众视野是在2015年, 那年某日凌晨3点左右,一名无人机爱好者的无人机失去控制,飞入白宫附近方圆18英亩的安全区东南侧坠毁, 引发了特勤局对该区域的封锁。

Drones are off-limits in the airspace in the 15-mile radius around Washington and also over places like the Hoover Dam, the Statue of Liberty and Mount Rushmore.

距离华盛顿方圆15英里的空域都是无人机禁飞区, 胡佛大坝、自由女神像和拉什莫尔山也是如此。

The drone that crashed near the White House, called a DJI Phantom, caused no damage, but it flew in undetected. That highlights one of the greatest challenges to tracking and countering drones deployed by bad actors. Existing radar systems are designed to detect much bigger threats.


Most commercial drones are constructed of plastic and are difficult to spot electronically —— because they’re small, fly low to the ground and don’t carry a transponder to signal their positions.

而大多数商用无人机的材质都是塑料,加上电子设备很难识别 无人机体型很小,贴近地面飞行,加之没有携带会暴露它们位置的应答器。

“It’s only a matter of time before the threat manifests in a violent way,” Defense Secretary James Mattis told a Senate panel in May. ” The military has already faced the drone danger abroad.


As American Special Operations commandos fought to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from ISIS in the fall of 2016, they faced a threat that American ground forces hadn’t dealt with: attack from the air.

2016年秋季,美国特种作战突击队试图从ISIS手中夺回伊拉克城市摩苏尔时, 就遭遇了美国地面部队从未遭遇过的威胁:来自空中的攻击。

Desperate to break the American-led siege of the city, ISIS militants sent fleets of small drones, often several at a time, carrying grenades and miniaturized explosives, scattering troops and driving them to seek cover.

当时,ISIS武装分子不顾一切地想要打破美国主导的对这座城市的包围,便派出了由小型无人机组成的舰队, 通常一次性派出数架携带有手榴弹和小型炸药的无人机来分散美方力量,迫使美方寻找掩护。

“At one point there were 12 killer bees, if you will, right overhead,” General Raymond Thomas, head of Special Operations Command, said last year, adding that the fighting nearly came to a “screeching halt.”

“曾经有一次头顶多达12只杀人蜂,” 去年,特种作战司令部司令雷蒙德·托马斯将军说, 他还说,战斗几乎“戛然而止”。

The drones were too small for a fighter pilot or a tank gunner to pursue,which meant the troops’ only defense was to try to shoot the aircraft out of the sky with their rifles.

那些无人机体型过小,战斗机飞行员或坦克炮手根本无法追击, 这就意味着军队唯一的办法就是用步枪将其从空中击落。

Thomas said the small drones were the “most daunting” threat his commandos faced during the house-to-house campaign in Mosul. No U.S. casualties were reported. No American forces have been killed by an air attack since the Korean War.


      以上是北京文都考研网给出的“2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:无人机(下) ”,希望对2020考研者有所帮助!祝2020考研成功!






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