考研英语的备考,离不开词汇和语法的补习。下面,小编为帮助2021考研学子掌握英语核心词汇,精心为考生整理——2021考研英语必考词汇(143) ,供考生参考。
conversely ['kɒnvɜːsli]
例 You can add the fluid to the powder or conversely the powder to the fluid.你可以将液体倒进粉末里,或者反过来,将粉末加进液体里。
royal ['rɔɪəl]
例 The announcement of the royal birth was broadcast to the nation.王室成员降生的通告已向全国广播。//The hotel prepared royal feasts for its guests.这家饭店为客人提供一流的宴席。
dominate ['dɒmɪneɪt]
例 She dominated the meeting by sheer force of character.她单凭个人气势就镇住了会场。//Price tends to dominate all other considerations.首先考虑的往往是价格问题。
以上是分享的“2021考研英语必考词汇(143) ”,希望对2021考研儿们,在识记重点词汇方面有所指导!祝2021考研金榜题名!