考研英语的备考,离不开词汇和语法的补习。下面,小编为帮助2021考研学子掌握英语核心词汇,精心为考生整理——2021考研英语必考词汇(134) ,供考生参考。
fragile ['frædʒaɪl]
例 Large-scale development and construction will be certain to bring enormous pressure to bear on the fragile ecological environment of Tibet.西藏生态环境脆弱,大规模开发建设势必给其生态环境带来巨大压力。
futile ['fju:taɪl]
例 His efforts to save the business were futile.他挽救企业的努力未能奏效。
grieve [gri:v]
例 People who grieve over and lament the loss of traditions would do well to do some re-thinking:are there elements in
our traditions that have become outdated?那些面对传统丢失而痛心疾首的人也要好好反思:我们的传统是否有些过时的成分?
以上是分享的“2021考研英语必考词汇(134) ”,希望对2021考研儿们,在识记重点词汇方面有所指导!祝2021考研金榜题名!