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首页 考试资讯考研英语 2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:无人机成新威胁(上)


时间:2019-08-02 15:17:34 编辑:leichenchen

       考研英语外刊阅读能力的提升,需要日积月累才能看得到效果。接下来,北京文都考研网为帮助2020考研学子,在英语水平上更上一层台阶,特意整理出考研英语外刊阅读精选:无人机成新威胁(上) ,供考生参考。


Last fourth of july,as fireworks burst across the night sky near the Lieber Correctional Institution in Ridgeville, S.C., convicted kidnapper Jimmy Causey tucked a lifelike dummy into his bed, sneaked out of his prison cell and completed a daring escape.

去年7月4日(美国国庆日),趁着烟花在夜空中绽放之际, 南卡罗来纳州里奇维尔的利伯惩教所附近,被判绑架罪的吉米·考西往床上塞了一个栩栩如生的假人,便偷偷溜出牢房,完成了一次大胆的越狱。

It wasn’t until three days later, when Texas Rangers found Causey holed up 1,200 miles away,that authorities offered an explanation for how he had obtained the equipment for the breakout, including a pair of wire cutters used to snip through four fences that encircle the maximum-security prison.

直到三天后,德州护林员在1200英里(约1930公里)之外发现了科西的藏身之处, 当局才对他获取越狱设备的方式做出解释, 他的设备中有一把钢丝钳,可用来剪断重刑监狱四周的四道围栏。

“We believe a drone was used to fly in the tools that allowed him to escape,” Bryan Stirling, director of the South Carolina Department of Corrections, told reporters at anews conference.


A lengthy investigation confirmed that an accessory role was played by a small, of-the-shelfdrone. And with that, law-enforcement and national-security officials added “prison breaks” to the potential ill-uses lurking in a technology widely available at retailers including Amazonand Walmart.


Unlike military drones that can cost more than $15 million and look like small airplanes, mini quadcopters can be obtained for a few hundred dollars—and their capabilities are excitingthe imaginations of bad guys.

与军用无人机不同的是,军用无人机价格高达1500万美元以上,体型跟小型飞机差不多, 而小巧的四轴无人机只需几百美元,其强大的性能也大大激发了心怀不轨之人的想象力。

Criminals have used drones to drop drugs into prisons. Mexican smugglers have flown them above the border to spy on the movement of patrolling federal officers.


ISIS used them to drop crude bombs on U.S. and allied forces in Iraq and Syria. It is the widespread availability of commercial drones that poses the largest threat.


Almost everybody who uses a drone in the U.S.— and the Federal Aviation Administration has licensed more than a million operators—flies by the rules. But not everyone, and perhaps the major lesson of 9/11 was to look for threats from unexpected places, especially overhead.


Yet on drones, the federal response has been largely haphazard and behind the curve. The Pentagon is working to develop and deploy technologies to defeat drones and intends to spend $401.2 million on counter-drone initiatives this fiscal year, according to a study by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College.


“We know that terrorists are using drones overseas to advance plots and attacks, and we’ve already seen criminals use them along and within our borders for illicit purposes,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tells TIME.


“We are working with Congress for the authorities needed to ensure we can better protect the American people against emerging drone threats.” ” Part of the problem is that our laws and regulations aren’t designed for this new kind of threat.


Current electronic-eaves dropping laws preclude government officials from disabling dronesmid-air with electromagnetic signals.


A bipartisan group of Senators has introduced a bill that would give the Trump Administration the power to electronically jam drones that get too close to federal facilities; it is expected to pass before the end of the year.

一个成员横跨参议院两党的小组提出了一项 允许特朗普政府对过于靠近联邦设施的无人机进行电子干扰的法案。 预计该法案将于年底前通过。

Agencies across government are now forbidden to identify and shoot down drones because of decades-old regulations that treat the robotic aircraft as if they were passengerjets.


Officials say they’re in a race against time. “It’s not if these devices will be weaponized in the homeland but when,” an Administrationofficial told TIME.


” A White House fact sheet put out in support of the new measures says criminals could “drop explosive payloads, deliver harmful substances and conduct reconnaissance” using quadcopters.

白宫发布了一份支持新措施的简报, 称犯罪分子可能用四轴无人机“投掷炸弹,运送有害物质或开展侦察工作”。

In November, authorities arrested a 55-year-old Sacramento man who flew a drone that dropped leaflets featuring a rant against television-news outlets inside Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara, Calif., during an NFL game.


No one was harmed, but officials with DHS and outside analysts took it as a warning: What if the drone’s payload were an explosive or a harmful chemical?

虽未造成人身伤害,但国土安全部官员和外部分析人士还是认为应该引以为戒: 如果无人机装载的是爆炸物或有害化学物质情况又会如何?

He was cited for flying the drone in prohibited airspace, a misdemeanor.One reason the U.S. government fears drone warfare is that it knows the power of remotely controlled air power.


Since 2001, the CIA and Air Force have deployed the multimillion-dollar fixed wing MQ-1Predator and MQ-9 Reaper drones, which are the size of small fighter jets and can deliver Hellfire missiles and 500-lb. bombs.

自2001年以来,中央情报局和空军部门已经部署了价值数百万美元的固定翼“MQ-1捕食者”和“MQ-9收割者”等 小型战斗机大小,可以发射地狱火导弹和500磅炸弹的无人机。

These drones, mostly operated remotely from Nevada, have killed thousands of militants acrossthe Middle East and the Horn of Africa. They have also been responsible for 751 to 1,555 civilian deaths, according to the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which tracks drone-strikedata.

据总部位于伦敦,追踪无人机袭击数据的调查新闻局透露,大多在内华达州远程操作的这些无人机 已经在中东和非洲之角消灭了数千名武装分子,也造成了751~1555名平民死亡。

The Obama Administration struggled to balance the strategic advantages of drones with thehumanitarian costs. Over years of internal debate and external pressure, it developed a legal and policy framework underlying the controversial practice of targeted killing with drones.


Critics, like the American Civil Liberties Union, said the extra judicial system enabled a sittingPresident to be “judge, jury and executioner.” The Trump Administration has continued operating under the Obama rules.


It has loosened constraints on who can be targeted on the basis of the threat they pose. Most of the danger from the commercial drone boom here at home has been in the categoryof nuisance offenses.


Under current law, hobbyists and commercial users must keep unmanned aircraft below 400ft. and avoid flying within five miles of an airport to avoid endangering commercial aircraft.

现行法律规定,无人机爱好者和商业用户必须将无人机的飞行高度控制在400英尺(约122米)以内, 同时避免在距离机场五英里(约8公里)的范围内飞行,以免危及商用飞机。

Even small drones could disable a passenger jet by getting sucked into and destroying a jet’sengine. Still, recreational drone users often ignore the law.


On Sept.30, 2017, alone, there were eight dangerous drone incidents, according to the FAA:


an airline pilot reported spotting a drone at 4,000 ft. as the passenger jet came in for alanding at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago; a pilot leaving Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport spotted a drone about 100 yd. of his leftwing, hovering at 6,500 ft.; and others had close calls in Long Beach, Calif.; Burbank, Calif.; Newark, N.J.; McAlester, Okla.;Hollywood, Fla.; and San Antonio.


       以上是北京文都考研网给出的“2020考研英语外刊阅读精选:无人机成新威胁(上) ”,希望对2020考研者有所帮助!祝2020考研成功!






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