考研英语的备考,离不开词汇和语法的补习。下面,小编为帮助2021考研学子掌握英语核心词汇,精心为考生整理——2021考研英语必考词汇(77) ,供考生参考。
velocity [vɪ'lɒsəti]
例 A few decades ago,it was discovered that the rotational velocity of the Earth underwent small variations.几十年前,人们发现地球自转的速度有微小的变化。
verdict ['vɜːdɪkt]
例 Your verdict means something in this case and means something more than the fate of this boy.你们的裁决对此案意义不小,关系到的不仅仅是这个男孩的命运。
resent [ rɪ'zent]
例 He didn't resent taking pains to assure the financial security of his family.为了使他的家庭在经济上有保障,即使辛苦工作,他也毫无怨言。
Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege.(2004)学识作为一种权力或特权而遭到憎恨。