考研英语的备考,离不开词汇和语法的补习。下面,小编为帮助2021考研学子掌握英语核心词汇,精心为考生整理——2021考研英语必考词汇(75) ,供考生参考。
department [dɪ'pɑːtmənt]
例 The bulk of the work rolls from department to department.大量的工作从一个部门转移到另一个部门。//They are the freshmen of the English Department.他们是英文系的新生。
departure [dɪ'pɑːtʃə(r)]
例 He delayed his departure because the rain is sheeting down.他推迟了启程因为正下着瓢泼大雨。//We were surprised by their departure from their normal practice.他们没有遵守(违背了)常规,我们非常惊奇。
depend [dɪ'pend]
例 Needly and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support.穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。//The welfare effects of an import quota further depend on how the government allocates the legal rights to import.进口配额的福利影响还取决于政府怎样分配进口的合法权利。