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首页 考试资讯考研专硕 2020考研MTI双语阅读精选:美国高校招生政策


时间:2019-07-05 18:35:14 编辑:leichenchen



“I AM SIMPLY thrilled about all the folks you were able to admit,” David Ellwood, the then dean of Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, wrote to the then admissions dean, William Fitzsimmons, in a 2013 email entitled “My hero”. “All big wins. [Name redacted] has already committed to a building.”

“对于你们能招收到的学生,我激动不已,”时任哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院院长的大卫·埃尔伍德曾于2013年在给时任招生办主任威廉·费兹蒙斯的一封以“我的英雄” 为主题电子邮件中如此写道:“所有的大人物都得到想要的。 已获准用[姓名删除]命名一幢楼。”

Charges brought against rich and famous people who are accused of illegally buying university places for their children has focused attention on an oddity in American higher education: that while it was illegal for these people to buy places, others can do so quite legally. This issue is normally hidden behind the veil of the “holistic” admissions policy which selective universities run. But a case in the Supreme Court in which Asian-American plaintiffs allege that Harvard’s admissions system is racially biased has thrown a light on preference given to different groups, including “legacies”—the children of alumni. Their parents do not have to fork out for them to be favoured, but since alumni are universities’ principal source of donations after foundations, institutions that practice legacy preference defend it as essential.


A survey by the Harvard Crimson, the student newspaper, found that 29% of the class of 2021 had a close relation who had been at the university; 18% had at least one parent there. Nor is the practice confined to the top institutions. A survey of 499 admissions directors by Inside Higher Ed found that 42% of those at private universities used legacy preference.

哈佛学生报纸《哈佛深红》(Harvard Crimson)的一项调查发现,2021年班级中有29%的人与该大学有密切关系; 18%的学生至少有一位父母是校友。这种做法也不局限于顶级教育机构。Inside Higher Ed对499名招生主管人员进行的一项调查发现,42%的私立大学使用校友子女优先的政策。

Legacy preference is, as Richard Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation and editor of “Affirmative Action for the Rich”, points out, both entirely un-American and uniquely American. It flies in the face of the ideals on which America was founded—the rejection, as Thomas Jefferson put it, of the “artificial aristocracy” based on birth, which had corrupted Britain, in favour of a “natural aristocracy” based on “virtue and talents”. No other serious university system permits it. Universities in Britain, the only other country represented in the Times Higher Education league of the world’s top ten universities, use test scores supplemented, in some institutions, with an interview.


In the 1920s, Ivy League college administrators feared that relying too much on exams to screen applicants would yield a high number of Jewish students. They set up admissions systems which embedded legacy preference. In the egalitarianism of the post-war era, universities tried to get rid of legacies, but were defeated by passionate opposition from their alumni.








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