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首页 考试资讯考研专硕 2020考研MTI双语阅读精选:JAB投资策略转型


时间:2019-07-05 18:27:57 编辑:leichenchen



EUROPE is home to some extraordinary wealth creators who often try to hide their success. Ingvar Kamprad, a Swedish farmer’s son, constructed IKEA, a seller of flat-pack furniture that became a global giant with annual revenues of €38bn ($47bn). He died at the age of 91 on January 27th, after a famously frugal life. Amancio Ortega, the Spanish son of a railway worker, founded Inditex, a fast-fashion giant, and shuns any media attention. Then there is the reclusive Reimann family of Germany, members of which reportedly take a vow at the age of 18 not to talk publicly about their business, JAB Holding, a Luxembourg-based investment group.

欧洲拥有有一些出类拔萃却不显山露水的发家致富之人。英格瓦•坎普拉德出身于瑞典的一个农民家庭,打造了宜家——一个组装家具经销商,也是年收入380亿欧元的全球巨头。以节俭闻名的他于1月27日去世,享年91岁。阿曼西奥•奥尔特加(Amancio Ortega)是一位西班牙铁路工人之子,创立了快销时尚巨头Inditex,却从不在媒体里曝光。还有就是隐世的德国雷曼家族(Reimann family),有报道称其家族成员要18岁发誓不公开谈论自己的企业——卢森堡的JAB Holding投资集团。

Yet JAB’s habit of gulping down big, famous firms at a frenetic pace is making it hard for it to stay in the shadows. On January 29th it said it will pay $18.7bn in cash (plus some shares) to buy Dr Pepper Snapple, the world’s fifth-biggest maker of soft drinks, which has roots dating back to 1885. It will be combined with Keurig Green Mountain, an American coffee producer that JAB bought in 2016 for $14bn. In the past few years most of its targets have been in the coffee business, so a maker of ice-cold beverages is a departure. As it has done with Keurig, JAB plans to squeeze costs and pay down hefty debt, while winning market share.

然而,JAB以疯狂的速度吞并知名大企业的作风使它很难保持低调。1月29日,可口可乐表示,将以187亿美元现金(外加部分股票)收购世界第五大软饮料制造商,1885年成立的Dr Pepper Snapple,并与JAB于2016年140亿美元收购美国咖啡生产商Keurig Green Mountain合并。在过去的几年里,JAB的大多数目标都在咖啡行业,因此,收购一家冰饮料制造商会是一个新的开始。与对Keurig的操作一样,JAB计划在赢得市场份额的同时,压缩成本,偿还巨额债务。

JAB’s focus on consumer-goods firms in America, especially coffee producers, could suggest it hopes to rival giants such as Nestle and Starbucks. In the past couple of years it also paid $1.35bn for Krispy Kreme, a maker of doughnuts and coffee, and $7.5bn for Panera Bread, a bakery chain with over 2,000 outlets. That deal was touted as one of the biggest in the global restaurant industry. An earlier plan to emulate Europe’s luxury groups, such as France’s LVMH, in building collections of brands has been dropped. Last year JAB offloaded Jimmy Choo, a maker of shoes, for $1.2bn. It hopes also to sell Bally, another luxury firm.

JAB在美国专注于消费品企业,尤其是咖啡产商,这表明它希望与雀巢和星巴克这样的巨头竞争。过去几年,它还斥资13.5亿美元收购了甜甜圈和咖啡制造商卡卡圈坊(Krispy Kreme),并斥资75亿美元收购了拥有逾2000家门店的烘焙连锁店Panera Bread。这笔交易号称是全球餐饮业最大的交易之一。此前一项效仿法国路易威登(LVMH)等欧洲奢侈品集团打造品牌系列的计划已遭弃。去年,JAB以12亿美元出售了鞋制造商Jimmy Choo,同时还想出售另一家奢侈品公司Bally。

The change of focus looks astute. Consumers, readier to pay more for experiences rather than just products, show an ever-growing fondness for pricey shots of strong coffee, especially those squirted via plastic pods. A survey last year found that 41% of American adults drink “speciality” coffee (industry jargon for pricier stuff) daily, up from just 9% in 1999. Many of these are quaffed at home. Next, firms want to encourage consumers to down cold drinks—perhaps Dr Pepper or Snapple for starters—using similar pod systems.

经营重点的转变看起来很精明。消费者更愿意为体验花钱而不仅仅是产品,他们越来越喜欢昂贵的浓咖啡,尤其是那些家用咖啡机喷射出浓咖啡。2017年的一项调查发现,41%的美国成年人每天喝“特种”咖啡(行业术语,指价格较高的东西),而1999年这一比例仅为9%。其中许多是在家里喝的。下一步,一些企业希望鼓励消费者使用类似家用咖啡机来喝冷饮,比如针对入门级消费者的Dr Pepper或Snapple。

Being sure of what JAB plans for the future is tricky. It is managed by professionals, but decisions on what to buy are taken by the Reimann family. The legal descendants of Ludwig Reimann, a chemist and industrialist, their wealth has variously been valued at €16bn-33bn. As JAB grows, analysts increasingly liken it to 3G, a feared Brazilian investment group that snaps up makers of consumer products like Kraft Heinz before slashing costs and jacking up returns. JAB claims to have a different philosophy, emphasising the long term. Given its secretive owners and previous turns of strategy, however, it is hard to know whether to take that notion seriously.

要明确JAB未来的计划是很棘手的。它由专业人士管理的机构,但收购决策是由雷曼家族做出的。化学家和实业家路德维希·雷曼的合法后裔们的财富一直都维持在160- 330亿欧元之间。随着JAB的发展,分析人士倾向于把它比作3G。3G是一家令人恐惧的巴西投资机构,曾卡夫亨氏(Kraft Heinz)等消费品厂商,然后削减成本和回报。JAB声称自己的经营不同,强调长期发展。然而,鉴于神秘后台和以往的经营战略转变,很难知道这种想法是不是认真的。







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