The Ministry of Civil Affairs instructed local authorities to act prudently and appropriately in a campaign against improper place names.
2018年12月,民政部、公安部、自然资源部、住房城乡建设部、交通运输部、国家市场监管总局联合印发《关于进一步清理整治不规范地名(improper place names)的通知》,要求各地要重点清理整治社会影响恶劣、各方反映强烈的城镇新建居民区、大型建筑物中的"大、洋、怪、重"等不规范地名(improper names of newly built residential areas and major projects that have had a negative social effect and have stirred strong public reactions - those featuring exaggeration, blind worshiping of foreign names, odd and incomprehensible words and repetitive names)。
当前,各地正按照六部门部署,积极推进清理整治不规范地名工作,但个别地方也存在政策标准把握不够准确、组织实施不够稳妥等情况。比如,海南省民政厅发布的关于需清理整治不规范地名清单公示中,"维多利亚花园"、"洛杉矶城小区"以及"维也纳国际酒店"等因崇洋媚外(blind worshiping of foreign names)被列入清单,引发社会热议。对此,维也纳酒店集团称,其连锁酒店名称经市场管理部门注册,是合法经营使用的品牌名(its chain hotel names are trademarks registered with the market regulator and have been used legally)。
民政部本月21日下发通知,要求各地准确把握政策,严格按照有关法规和原则标准组织实施(regulations and guidelines should be strictly observed),防止随意扩大清理整治范围(prevent the campaign from being expanded in an arbitrary manner)。民政部还要求进一步规范工作程序(regulate work procedures),充分进行专家论证,广泛征求各方意见,审慎提出清理整治清单(produce a list of proposed name corrections cautiously)。
一刀切 one-size-fits-all approach
征求公众意见 solicit public opinion
行政区划 administrative division
治理能力现代化 modernization of governance