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首页 考试资讯考研专硕 2020考研MTI双语阅读精选:机场通关长队之忧


时间:2019-08-23 15:32:24 编辑:leichenchen



2020考研MTI双语阅读精选:机场通关长队之忧WHEN weary travellers step off a long flight, they want to get off the plane and on to their destinations as quickly as possible. But getting out of the airport is becoming much more taxing for visitors to America and Europe because of lengthening queues for passport control. Not only are passengers getting fed up; airlines and many airports are, too.长途飞行后,疲惫的乘客想要尽快下飞机,前往自己的行程目的地。可是,由于在美国和欧洲的过关检查排队不断拉长,旅客想离开机场越来越费劲。这种情况不仅让乘客感到厌烦,也对很多航空公司和机场造成困扰。

On August 13th Virgin Atlantic grumpily published data showing that Heathrow hit its target for processing more than 95% of non-EEA passengers within 45 minutes on only one day in July, with some waiting up to 156 minutes. It is not just a blip. Queues at Heathrow, Europe’s biggest airport, have been growing since 2015 (see chart). In Europe’s Schengen passport area, they have grown since more thorough checks were introduced last year owing to the migrant crisis. Queues have also increased in America, where travellers in Boston, New York and Miami often find themselves waiting in line for over three hours.8月13日,维珍航空发布的一份数据显示,伦敦希思罗机场只在7月份的一天达到了超过95%的非欧洲经济区乘客在45分种内过关的目标,而有一部分乘客等待的时长达到了156分钟。这并不是短暂的反常现象。自2015年以来,欧洲较大的机场希思罗机场的队伍长度一直在拉长。移民危机造成欧洲申根区国家去年采取了更彻底的检查,致使护照检查区域越来越拥堵。在美国,机关过关排队现象也越来越严重,到达波士顿,纽约和迈阿密的旅客经常要排队等候三个小时以上。

Airlines and airports are starting to worry that the queues could discourage flying for business. Austerity is a primary cause of the waits, according to Andrew Charlton of Aviation Advocacy, a research firm based in Geneva. Since the 2007-09 financial crisis, air traffic has increased and budgets for passport controllers have been slashed. The number of passengers going through Britain’s airports has risen by a quarter since 2012, for example, but its border force’s budget has fallen by a tenth. America’s international passenger numbers have risen three times faster than its border-patrol budget in the same period.航空公司和机场开始担心长时间排队会打击商务差旅的积极性。日内瓦的研究机构航空宣传的安德鲁·查尔顿表示,财政紧缩政策是导致拥堵的主要原因。自2007-2009年金融危机以来,航空出行人数增加,而护照检查员的预算却大幅削减。例如,2012年以来,英国机场的乘客量增加了四分之一,但边防的预算却减少了十分之一。同期,美国国际客运量的增长速度是边防人员预算增长速度的3倍。

The plea from airlines and airports is for governments to spend more on manning passport kiosks. John Holland-Kaye, chief executive of Heathrow Airport (whose chairman, Paul Deighton, is also chairman of The Economist Group), has argued that more international passengers should be allowed to use automated passenger kiosks to speed up processing. But his advisers doubt if either solution is politically feasible. Taxpayers are more interested in smoothing entry for themselves than for foreigners. Earlier this month, for example, Britain’s government was trumpeting plans for special lanes for British citizens after Brexit, which would doubtless worsen queues for everyone else.航空公司请求政府增加投入,配备护照亭。 希思罗机场首席执行官约翰·荷兰-凯伊(希思罗的主席保罗·戴顿还是经济学人集团的主席)认为应该允许更多的国际旅客使用自动检查亭以加快处理速度。 但他的顾问怀疑这两种解决方案在政治上是否可行。 与外国人相比,纳税人对自己的入学更感兴趣。 例如,本月早些时候,英国政府在英国退欧后大肆宣传英国公民专用车道的计划,这无疑会让其他所有人的排队更加恶化。

Airports are not helpless. In 2014 Dallas-Forth Worth airport in Texas paid for extra automatic passport gates to slash queue sizes. That helped it to win an award from Airport Council International, a trade body that represents the world’s airports, for the greatest customer satisfaction of any large airport in North America. And airlines around the world often pay a small sum per passenger to speed business-class customers through special passport-control lanes. Many governments would gladly shift the cost of passport checks. Too gladly, reckon some airports, who fear the entire bill for passport control may eventually be dumped on them.机场并非无能为力。2014年,得州的Dallas-Forth Worth机场额外投资购买了自动通关设备,用以减少排队情况,并因此成为北美地区最满意大型机场,获得了全球机场协会国际机场委员会颁发的奖项。全球的航空公司经常会按商务舱乘客人数会支付一笔钱给机场,以便让商务舱乘客通过特别通关通道快速通关。一些国家政府也很乐意转嫁通过检查的成本。一些机场也认为,他们也很乐意如此,因此他们担忧通关的整个费用都落在自己身上。







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